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AuthorEquality in Factions
You can block me or not, but I will say, that there are no eguality to other factions, becouse of:

Necromancers (becouse firslty they can raise fallen troops and not only once and other factions can't, it makes unfair becouse you defeat them, loose your troops and they rise again - no logic becouse the're limit's of troops, secondly after fight they get more troops (skeletons)which can be changed in beter fighters)
Demons (becouse they can make a copy some of the troops during the batle).

So if you whant to make a realy fair game reject those abilities or make a game more like "Heroes of might of magic" (I think this game is a shadow of it) and let troops rise, in personal castles, in some time period.
dude ur too soon to judge wait till lvl 10 and than reopen this topic
Take a deep breath. Think a little. This game is pretty balanced, its RPG and maybe it is not entirely game`s fault that you lose with these factions. They might just be better players.

Concentrate, think and give it a chance. For example level 3 demons cannot shoot, did you notice that. Use your bowmen or something. They can be beaten even with their raise and gating abilities. What they get in this abilities, they lack in other skills.
becouse firslty they can raise fallen troops and not only once and other factions can't
Elves can. Wizards can.

no logic becouse the're limit's of troops
There is a limit: Mana
And Necros get lesser troops than others (except Skeletons, which is the balancing factor)

Demons (becouse they can make a copy some of the troops during the batle).

But Demons still die even though their copies are on the field. So they still will be defeated the same time as any others. And they waste a turn doing this "copying"

reject those abilities or make a game more like "Heroes of might of magic"

But in "Heroes of might of magic", Necro and Demons have the same abilities and spells. So are you telling us to make it LESS like "Heroes of might of magic"?
Just forget it.. Bye
Demons? are you serious?

If you can't be a demon at your level then sadly, you- nevermind, I might be banned ^^
*beat a demon.

But be my guest- go play as demon and see how much you get owned. They're one of if not the weakest faction at level 3 IMO. Even wizards beat them xP
Necromancers are pretty good, but a smart DE, barbarian or elf will most likely defeat them.
7. It is forbidden to create topics with suggestions to weaken/strengthen any unit, artifact, faction.
Its because he loses... All you have to do is think of a strategic way to beat them.
Theres always a way to win but your gona have to be patient not say i lost to them lots of times.. i can't beat them
Think about it more theres always a way i would think so
for Takesister: Demons waste only half a turn to gate.
Just forget it.. Bye

rofl, you are just want to post something in your mind; and dont want to accept any justification to prove you are wrong.

so, you should have no point to create any topic. pif, kid never learn.
closed by Pang (2009-12-24 07:02:41)
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