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Author13:02, 1500 Playes CONECTED!!!
Dont u think its a lot of ppl?? o_O, mayb because christmas..
it's 1524 now^^
Yeah! I don't think it was bug like before... Haha

We love Chrismas!

Playing Online Game during Chrismas have so many benefit... :D
I LOVE Christmas:D
13:05, 1525 online
I love summer!!!!:P lol
just now was 1536 or 1534 i think just a few seconds ago ^^
13:08, 1556 online
13:07, 1544, lol, i think best its christmas than summer, there are more reasons to do updates now than in summer.. Haloween, christmas.. The tournament... Thats fantastic ^^ Also of course the GRAND UPDATE ;)
13:09, 1563 online
every minute going up :)
its cause us aussies came on to say to our fellow lordswm members MERRY CHRISTMAS
13:11, 1574 online
go up to 1600 :)
13:11, 1583!!!!!!
Yeah there are lots of aussies playing...
13:11, 1583 online :)

i would of thaught that the server will have less people because of holiday (christmas eve)
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Topic moved from "Off-game forum" to "General game forum".
14:00, 1587 online
14:01, 1592 online

almost 1600
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2008-2025, online games LordsWM