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AuthorMy Happy New Year present is lost
I saw at character page the present but my inventory was full, then I sell an item and return to character page but the present wasn't at character page and at inventory neither.

My friends have the present.

Can someone help me?
My friends have the present.

So you're entirely sure he did not cancel the transaction at a later point?
I not cancel the transaction. IT'S A LORDSWM BUG. Can some admin help me?

I'm unhappy...
The person who sent it can cancel it
for Zyanya:
He's saying His friends have theirs but he doesn't

for lcorndogl:
No transaction was made.

What he is saying is that he logged in and saw the present link on the home page. He clicked on it but his inventory was full so he couldn't accept it.

He then went into his inventory page and sold an art to make space
Then he returned to the home page but the Wand link was gone and it was not in his inventory and he's complaining
The takesister explanation is perfect, but can't be solved, right?
yes it cant be solved
closed by peloxi (2010-01-02 16:23:23)
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