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not following battle description and insulting the victim

Authornot following battle description and insulting the victim
battle description was 15 ap max. (random group battle)
ganishka wrote it. confessor joined with 32 ap.
confessor joined his team- i was unhappy with that, since my ap was 12.
what was worse was, when i pointed that out to them, they made fun of me, denying my calculations in an effort to prove it to them. finnaly my partner Nvous checked confessors's account from another account, and found it was 32. ganishka continued to rdicule and give unreasonable excuses saying we were still even.
they also broke other rules by speaking behind my back during the battle chat in some other languge ( i think german) for awhile.
confessor- the ONLY resaon why i was angry was because ganish was so irritating
the real reason why he is happy is:

1- ganishka was happy insulting because the person with 32 ap joined his side even though it broke the battle rules (he closed one eye on that)
2- my math was correct- ganishka kept saying i was wrong until it was proven him
3- after he is proven wrong he starts calling me names.
4- he knows its fine to insult and say wrong things because he was going to win anyway. ( of course a 32ap would win a 12 ap- its 3 times more ap)

for mega0impact:
There is no rules that we must follow the battle description so this topic will be close soon for sure
rule 1 broken: they both spoke differnet languages from english
rule 2 broken: ganishka used the f vulgar word, along with other insulting sentences
not to mention the constant barrage of offensive statements and condescending statements.
even if not following battle description is not wrong, all these things i mentioned in themselves are direct violations of clearly stated rules, which can make the game ugly. please kindly consider. Thank you.
Even if a person does not know all the rules of his game, using of vulgar words and piling offense on offense and demeaning people is something every person knows is wrong. Admin, please enlighten me. Thank you
[Post deleted by moderator Kotrin // Don't quote swear words!!]
closed by Lord Kotrin (2010-02-02 10:35:19)
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