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AuthorThe Chronicles of Skunder: Endgame
For those who asked for one more story – here is one more chapter, and for those who have eyes to see the message beyond mere words…this is for you…PM’s are welcome.

* * * * *
Many of the races of the Empire would say the years of an elf are like an eternity; an elf would say their years are enough - enough time to think about their choices, to ponder their mistakes, to dread the days behind them for all the sorrow they bring.

For more years simply bring a greater saddness.

* * * * *
Skunder, once known as Skyn'Da in his earliest days, left the large open expanse of the Imperial Court, looking back only once to remember the way the columns stood straight, unblemished, and regal. He noticed the plants that had been planted there during the reign of the first Emperor, now having grown into tall trees in the outdoor court.

Much had changed since then.

Blinking away the years spent under the first Emperor down to the present Empress of the Empire, Skunder quickly turned and left the courtyard. He took only a step before a familiar voice sounded behind him.

Captain Redric of the Imperial Guard commanded, "Chronicler! Your duties are not yet finished. Your Empress has not given you authority to leave this court!"

Without turning, Skunder announced, "I became the Chronicler as a service to her, of my own will. I do not need the authority of the Empress. I leave under the same will."

Captain Redric yelled, "Your service does not end until She has decreed it. You will return to the court to complete your duties, and will not leave until instructed!"

Skunder turned, slowly, deliberately. "Captain Redric, I know you are a man loyal to your cause. Don't mistake me either. I too am loyal to a cause. Our reasons and loyalties have grown distant however, as the Empire too has grown distant from its intended purpose. What I do, I do because I believe the nature of the Empire has changed." His tone grew more threatening, "I suggest you not deter me from my course."

Captain Redric's eyes grew wide, feverish even. "You would threaten a servant of this Empire? Even in your betrayal? You dog!" The Captain leapt forward sword drawn. With the quickness known only to the elves, Skunder drew his own blade, one given him during the first Emperor's reign. It slapped the feeble guard's attack to the side, then brought the hilt up smacking the guard square in the face. Redric's eyes crossed then he fell hard to the floor, sliding down a few steps as he did.

Before his movement had ceased, Skunder's blade was sheathed and he made his way from the courtyard.

* * * * *
Days later Skunder cleared the marshes of his homeland, passing through the uninhabited regions of the Blooming Glade, far south of the elven cities. The leaves had fallen from the giant trees there, in many places snow covered the ground and ice still lingered on much of the unmoving waters. It offered the peace he had been seeking.

Taking another step towards his uncertain future, a noise sounded behind him causing him to turn, sword in hand. A figure stood, draped in a dark cloak, masking their features. No movement followed.

Skunder broke the silence, “Have you come to stop me?”

The figure before him shook their head from side to side.

Skunder asked, “Then why have you come?”

At last the figure spoke, though their voice was muffled. “I have come because I wish to follow.” He didn’t recognize the voice; it could have been anyone within the entire Empire, male or female, or any faction as well.

Skunder repeated, “Follow?” His head involuntarily turned to the side in the way he often did when he did not understand something. “But why?”

The figure actually took an unthreatening step closer, “I have read your Chronicles and I saw you on the steps of the Courtyard. You have something to say, maybe another story which to write, maybe just a secret you are holding on to. Whatever it is, I want to be there when you let the story, or secret, out.

Skunder was silent for a few moments, speaking at last, “And what if I am not ready to speak? What if it is still some time until my voice is heard?”

The hooded figure merely shrugged and said, “Then I’m sure whatever you say will be well worth the wait.”

Skunder threw his hands up as if in defeat, “Alright. It’s your time my friend. Let’s get moving.”

The figure stood still, “Wait, we can’t go yet!”

Skunder raised a questioning brow, “And why is that?”

The figure announced as he swept his hand out in a grand gesture behind him, from the direction they had come, “Because there are others who have come.” Even as he spoke the words other figures appeared from behind trees and hiding behind knolls of grass. Dozens of robed beings made their way forward, faces covered, but eyes eager for knowledge, feet made ready for the long journey.

Skunder stared open-mouthed at the sight before him. There were those out there who had listened to his Chronicles, those who wondered about their own Empire, those who sought something more – and for some reason they were following him.

They crowded around him, others simply walking in the vicinity, but all together for a single purpose. The thought brought a smile to Skunder’s lips.
Bro..It's seem that no one was giving comments to our story...I publish so many posts in EW..But it's was a long time since i last receive a comment.
for Skunder:
coool skundy good to see u writing again
i love ur chornicles more than i love any thing!
gr8 dude
I love ur chronicles .They are just awesome.I just hope u write COS Death's Grip
This is actually more of what is in-game instead of some fictionous cook a story thing , go on skundy !
Too long; Did read.
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