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this is a battle where i noticed that the sprites got more moves than the ATB showed. why is that? also, there was no exp awarded at the end of the battle
the sprites got more moves than the ATB showed
That is because it is an old combat.
With the grand update the formules for rapid and delay have been changed.
When you review the battle it uses the new formules to calculate which turns comes next on the ATB bar. However, when the combat was played, they still used the old formules for delay / rapid. So the units had different initiative. That is why it is not the same.

there was no exp awarded at the end of the battle
Old combat, in the past you didnt receive exp when you lost / assisted someone else in a hunt. But some people with too much free time exploited this and reached faction level 7 at combat level 3 or other weird things like that. So admins decided you would receive exp for losses and hunt assists too.
ok thanks ^^
closed by Lord Pentagon (2010-02-07 20:55:10)
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