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Authorpvp council?
i'm not sure if this has been suggested before.. if it is, then just disregard this..

i've read about the 'open letter to admin' thread https://www.lordswm.com/forum_messages.php?tid=1874813 in the forums and i share the same sentiments, especially about the pvp scenario..

there was a time when i got bored with the game and thought of calling it quits as i felt tthe game is not that fun anymore.. still, i'm not in the position to say this as i haven't tried other things like thieving, mercs, etc., though i don't think those would be enough to respark my interest.. then, i tried more group battles.. and then i realized that i really love this game.. still, i don't think there is enough reward for pvp and/or gb.. as a result, there are only a few people who want to duel or join group battles..

also, i noticed that the clan vs clan battle option is not that used much.. i've heard there will be an update regarding clan battles thingy but i thought, wouldn't it be good if we won't be relying too much on server updates just to have fun?

another thing is the rule about organizing tourneys.. in my opinion, not limiting rewarded tournaments can make things more interesting to most players..

hence, i thought that having a "PVP Council" made up of players would be helpful.. perhaps the council can be made up of leaders of the military clans or other mods.. IF the admin will oblige, i think this can help a bit as we can have something to do while waiting for updates.. i think this could open up a lot of options like:
-- tournament approvals can be made by the council..
-- having something like a "clan battle license" can be made possible.. i.e. licenses can be given to clans that would allow them to have staked combats with other licensed clans.. the clan leaders can agree to terms regarding minimum AP, stakes, etc. while an attending councilman will approve the match.. he can also watch the battle just in case rules will be breached.. if a clan breaches a rule, they can be penalized up to the point where their licenses can be revoked.. of course, without a license, they cannot participate in staked matches.. also, this will make existing clans to be more strict in taking members plus this can make "unheard of clans" to be seen.. licenses can be automatically issued to each clan and if other game rules will be breached, this can also be revoked..
-- having something like a "personal duelist license" can be made possible too..

this is a bit different from having a 'Battle Guild' in the sense that instead of having a 'Battle Guild update' (which would surely take time), it's like giving some authority to a group of players (though i'm a bit doubtful of this) to facilitate in sanctioned matches, like having a Nevada State Athletic Commission in the game..

what do you think? i'm certain not everyone would agree with this so i want to hear out your thoughts too..

i agree with all suggestions, who helps to make duels, gb etc, more lively.
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