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Author[Repair] 80% for 90% of repair cost.
- I repair 80% for only 90% of repair cost (80% for #569 clanmates).
- Express service: 10% more of repair cost.
Send pm for express service please!, and write it on description.

Send your money and art (0/x durability) to me, fromklin, following this instruction:

1) In your inventory, click on the name of your artifact to see its description page and find the original repairing cost at the bottom of the page.
2) Calculate the repairing cost as (90% * original repairing cost), then transfer the gold to fromklin, and note as "90% repair cost for xxxx"
3) In your inventory, click the "transfer" link of this artifact under the name of your artifact, and in the "Item transaction" page fill in the form as follows:
- Enter character name: fromklin
- Golds: 1 (Only 1 gold here, it's what I need to pay you)
- Transfer with recall in: 0.01 days, 0 combats and "Allow repairing".

I will return it once it get repaired, but if i'm offline, you can withdraw it after it's repaired.
Smith is now available! But i go to bed... be the first for tomorrow! :D.
Smith is now available!
Smith is now available!
Smith is now available!
Smith is now available!
Smith is now available!
Smith is now available!
Smith is now available!
Smith will be available in few hours.
Smith will be available in one hour.
Smith is now available!
Smith is now available!
Smith is now available!
Smith is now available!
Smith is now available!
Smith is now available!
Smith is now available!
closed by Lord fromklin (2010-03-02 14:34:14)
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