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AuthorLords' land
My idea is a bit difficult to explain and it would be difficult to implement in the game, because it changes almost everything and it needs a lot of balancing. Even if admins like this idea they will probably never use it.

First a little observation. We are Lords, but we don't have our land and we don't have our loyal subjects. So what I propose is that every player receive a piece of land from the Empire and some subjects/peasants.

Now this will give a game new possibilities. But I will start whit explaining how will this work.

Now peasants will work on our land and will live in our village, and for that they will pay us a tax. Now 1st combat level will have very little subjects and thus will receive very little tax. But as player level up, so will the number of the peasants and the size of the land.

This table is only as an example and a starting point:

lvl no of peasants
1 10
2 50
3 100
4 200
5 400
6 800
7 1500
8 2000
9 3000
10 4000
11 5000
12 6000
13 7000
14 8000

Every of this peasant will give one gold piece a day. Now this is a lot, but there is a catch. Our land are full of hostile neutrals and they are harassing our loyal subjects. So our subjects will give us less gold. We, as a protectors, will have to kill all those monsters in order to increase our production.

Now this is a part that is a bit difficult to explain. Our land is infested with neutrals and that infestation is measure with %.
100% infestation - no gold
90% infestation - 10% of gold
and so on...

Now, we have to kill these monsters daily, because number of neutrals will keep going up (up to the 100 % of infestation). So we kill them and after some time they will come back. So we have to constantly be active.

The more we kill the more difficult it will become. After 60 % it will be impossible to kill them on our own (even with full arts), so we will need help. Unlike hunt assistance, this help will have to be paid, and player who ask for an assistance will have to put how much is he willing to pay. The good thing is that player who ask for help will be able to refuse the player who offers help.

Now there is one more option. If we know that we will not play the game for some time, we can post a merc quest (yes, I even used merc guild for this). If the infestation go past the 80% it will automatically offer a hunt job in the merc guild for a pay that we already determined. Now this pay is almost all the gold that we will get that day so we will have very very small profit a day (if any profit). This option will automatically turn of after a week. This kind of quest will not produce any elements and will not give points for merc guild.

We will have to actively work to keep our land clean and get money from it.


Owning a land will now give a new danger, and that is enemy raids, player attacking other player. Now we can't be always online to protect our land from enemy attacks so this is a part of the game where we could actually use war clans. As soon is our clan member under attack it will show us the danger and we could help him. Any player can be attacked only once in six hours. Loot depends on how much rich is the land (basically the less % of monster infestation the more gold from the loot).

Clan wars will give new possibility, and that is attacking with 3 players and defending with 3 players. And clan members of those clans can be attacked once every 3 hours.

This is a big idea so I probably forget to mention something, but this is basically it. If I remember something more I will post it later.

It need a lot of balancing and it will take some time to program it too, so I don't think that it will ever be implemented in to the game. But I am interested to hear from players what do you think about my idea.
Wow, I didn't even realized that this is o big. And I even didn't wrote whole idea.
+1 nice man really really nice :)
+1 great idea
+1 even if i did'nt read it(its too long)
+1 pretty good!
lets hope admins can add this 'idea' of yours
it will be jst a totaly different game..i mean thr will a new game made(if u r getting my pt)
+1 pretty good what we need now is new gaming features as all the hunt,MG , thief etc gone mad at sooner ..
+1, I mean, who likes the idea of a legendary hero, dashing through the ash, working as a slave to earn its money?! He should have slaves that work for HIM!

I also want more things availible/ to do in castle like in HoMM 5
like buy warmachines, tavern for hero extra regeneration etc.
Anything for more gold:)
+/- 0

It a very great idea however as someone mentioned it earlier, it would be a diffrent in gameplay :S
If i understand correctly, those off line (for a month, a week, ...) can simply let infestation go to 100% and not earn any gold (with no additional risk).
Well though :)

New mercenary quest (uninfest land?) should give normal MG point and normal chance to earn an element (from guild) while gold is given from player.

Additional suggestion: mercenary quest should be limited for combat lvl 5+ and only for player of the same CL of the landlord.
This is important if the monsters you have to fight to reduce infestation are CL related (and remaining infestation)!
The limit to CL 5+ is needed only if this quest give MG point.

this would make the game more interesting if implemented..
I'm not sure if i would like it... This changes everything. And i don't like this "raiding other Players" aspect. Sounds stressfull and i hate this kind of gameplay...

agree with lightning1997 and Gott
I'm not sure if i would like it... This changes everything. And i don't like this "raiding other Players" aspect. Sounds stressfull and i hate this kind of gameplay...

If you hate this kind of gameplay, you hate this game, since this game is based on HoMM 5 and HoMM 5 also had this.
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