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AuthorDE's talent
I know it's a little old for that, but why did you change the DE's talent points?! We used to put battle furry or clod blade as talent in lvl 6... now we are obliged to be a magic DE in this level?!
wat's ur Q then??

we are obliged to be a magic DE in this level?!

Who are we and whats ur real question?
we is the Dark Elves :P
and my question is that why did they change the talent cost of the DE talents
and, will they put it back?
now the basic offence is 8 talent points... but it was 7.
it was an update for the balance purpose, not just DE, other factions as well
yeh, knights also are saying 'that sux' about talents, they lost lot of power in escort and other talents... so dont open silly threads ;) Because if u open a thread because of that, and they others also do, there would be lot of ppl complaining too
it was an update for the balance purpose, not just DE, other factions as well
closed by EROCS (2010-02-21 03:30:44)
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