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AuthorStarCraft II Beta
yes the immortalsin you are not experienced in starcraft 2.
nobody is. experience takes time. SC2 i just a new game.

@19 i like all games with zerg.. pvp tvt tvp are just boring as hell .. XD no blood, you know?
I must confess to using the cracked version, but chao chao made me!

Its by a team of people called 'Lazytown' witch reminds me of a horribly anoying show... well anyways google 'starcraft 2 cracked' if you want it, it should be the top site.

Its against AI only and you cannot play with other people, but it is quite awesome.
hooray for sc fan :)
You also can't pick ur race and the AI sucks...like even worse than the SC2 "Blizzard made" AI

I think Blizzard destroyed alot of creative strategy ideas when they removed the ability to chrono boost allies...but maybe it was needed...
New story!!!

I think it's really good :)

It's about how banelings came to be
Game is great...going to buy full version in June when it comes out ;) Well the first part of 3 -_-
The new story is awesome, i immagine her yelling 'Kat-Su!' At the ending.
(Deidara reference from naruto shippuden)

^^ unfortunatly it wont be out in june, you can expect another half a dozen push backs on the release date >.> Isnt it anoying? it was already expose to be out!

^^ ^^ ^^ 2v2 I got to 18 platinum but it dropped to 37 because partner hasnt been on in awhile.
Well...I had reserved it for the last 2 years at Gamestop...so yes It has been delayed for YEARS..but supposedly it is comin out this June, the first part of 3. We'll see.
haha why did they remove the ally chrono boost.. thatS stupid. as if it would be more balanced now .. no they just reduced tactical variety .

by the way they will make new parts until your money purse is empty :P
Best strategic game ;) Zerg OWN Cant wait till come Starcraft II full :)))
Double chrono boost made some rushes way to fast it made it so you can have 3/4 proxy gateways constantly pumping out zlots while the partner who did not own them could still tech and go eco style.

(meanwhile the enemy would be having trouble since it would be worth nearly 2 players zealot rushing and could very easily overwhelm one player on any map either then twilight fortress.)

^^ I like how all zerg are fast on any players creep, zerg vs zerg is a game of defender wins basicly o.o (Since they should both have roughly the same amount of hydra/muta and upgrades)

I wanna see a army of bc duke it out with another army of bc >.>
new patches out

both nerf toss >.>
Last patch was mostly a zerg nerf o.o
* Burrow research time increased from 50 seconds to 100 seconds.
* Burrow research cost increased from 50 Minerals and 50 Vespene Gas to 100 Minerals and 100 Vespene Gas.
# Nydus Network
* Nydus Worm build time increased from 10 seconds to 20 seconds.
# Hydralisk
* The delay between attacks has been increased from 0.75 seconds to 0.83 seconds.

The infestor got a boost but still is not really worth it.
Then again the infestor also got nerfed... ^^ backwards eh?
Well If anyone else with the beta feels like playing add Fallen.Pride
^^ Still trying to find a good 2v2 partner.
(Everyone that is decent that i met is obsessed with 1v1, ive only lost maybe four or five times in 1v1 anyways...)
(Note... that ive played a good 2-3 dozen games 1v1)

Anyways if anyone wants to see some superior scv rushing i got a couple replays of it, i also got a double scv rush replay =D!!
(In one of the matches i got ghost//nuke tech afterwards along with 2 high mineral basses and won that way but the opponents werent good and one ended up leaving before the nukes.)


Btw ultralisks do not have 'Cleave' It is a 'Splash', and yes it is incredible >.> a ultralisk one hit over a dozen of my zerglings that i was using to keep them back as my hydra were expose to kill the ultralisks... it did not go well.
Last patch was mostly a zerg nerf o.o

I was talking about the couple b4 it (didn't see that one till after post)...;)

Btw ultralisks do not have 'Cleave' It is a 'Splash', and yes it is incredible >.> a ultralisk one hit over a dozen of my zerglings that i was using to keep them back as my hydra were expose to kill the ultralisks... it did not go well.

Is it full splash damage?
It SEEMS like full splash damage but i havent done any tests or read its range, i did read that ultralisks can attack up slopes and cliffs if the cliff is small enough.

Zerg has been nerfed enough, all you need to beat them are immortals and voids/pheonixes.
For terran all you need are tanks and bc//vikings.

All zerg ever does is mass roaches for the starting then go to mutalisks.
Any variety they make is only temporary and most likely wont be included in the zerg army. (Some still use hydra because it has a range double that of roaches and is good against air, unfortunatly hydra can only do max damage to immortals un-upgraded and completely fail against tanks.)
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