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I am selling this account
PM me if ur interested
Selling your account is not allowed. Then again neither is the illegal transfer of gold between accounts between characters owned by the same player.

But I'm sure you'll claim that you were only transferring money to "friends", right?

for DarkKlaw:
It is time to you in the block
Ha, o dear, well u can laugh when i get blocked,
because admins are stupid and will not block me
HEHE yeh ur right
Im sure i would say its my friends
but that would be a toal lie and thats one thing i do not do
Its clear i break the rules and i know about it
[Player banned by moderator Omega22 until 2010-03-29 11:57:00 // Insulting administration, flood, selling account attempt.(who the hell would buy it anyway?)]
The day i get blocked will be the day that i pronounce that i Am a Lier

Until then Blub XD
[Post deleted by moderator Omega22 // No password transfer]
It is impossible to start up children in the Internet. It from them will be stupid. )
I'm sure there are people jumping at the chance to take a level 4 Demon with a horrible transfer log.
except her *FRIENDS* are owned by 1 player.
slop slop2 darkklaw and theroller.

wanna know how i know this?
i fell for it in my lvl 5 char.
O soul reaper, i told u if i go u go with me
U shared ur ip with the roller
we both get blocked XD
Plus ur log is just as full of illegal transfers XDXD :):) :D:D
Anyway, as u can see i dont give a shit admins
do ur worst XD
Block all my accounts
Because im a bad cheater
[Player banned by moderator Omega22 until 2010-03-29 12:03:37 // Same thing as your other account.]
[Post deleted by moderator Omega22 // ]
[Player banned by moderator Omega22 until 2010-03-29 11:58:25 // Excesive flood]
Where all inspectors of a forum?
no way...
we hv 2 cheaters explaining themselves...
so wrong...

i think thyre dead:(
seen players for the first time who wanna be blocked!!!!:OOO
People below IQ 70 are not allowed to use forum. I would say how they are called, but the medical term has become an insult, so I rather wont.
closed by Omega22 (2010-02-27 15:02:05)
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