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Authorit is about : part 1 (excusive for clan leader)
i suggest that clan have new feature

that is:
in the clan's balance,
(as a clan leader)
we can send gold to members when using the clan's balance

then,we can send aretifacts,elements,gold,etc. to highlighted members
It would just be another way for cheats to try and hide their illegal transfers.

Like making 25k+ of transfers in your logs with description saying repaying a loan with xxx left when there was never a loan in the first place.

Like making 25k+ of transfers in your logs with description saying repaying a loan with xxx left when there was never a loan in the first place.

It would not really change anything on that end, those that cheat will cheat regardless.

-1 Withdraw then send, it is just as simple and barely takes longer.
closed by Knightee (2010-03-15 11:46:26)
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