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Author9th survival Tournament level 11
Share/Post ur waves here and good luck to everyone ;)
1)- - 8 minotaur - 7 vamp - 2 nightmare
2)4x1 titan
3)1 green dragon - 71 sprites - 37 golems - 12 ogre mag
4)17 mistresses - 42 wolf raiders - 17 mistresses - 42 wolf raiders
5)55 sprites - 8 anchorites - 3 dark witches - 8 lorekeepers
6)1 green dragon - 21 rogues - 6 unocorn - 23 orcs
7)4x11 treefolks
8)4x22 genies
9)4 cavalry - 63 up gargoyles - 4 cavalry - 63 up gargoyles
10)4x66 grandmaster bowmen
11)77 up gargoyles - 147 faeries - 77 up gargoyles - 147 faeries
12)247 gremlins - 25 griffins - 247 gremlins - 25 griffins
13)20 treefolks - 54 ogre mag - 20 treefolks - 54 ogre magi
14)24 nightmare - 114 wolf raiders - 24 nightmare - 114 wolf raiders
15)4x129 golems
16)4x829 recruits
17 4x30 surprise :)
Highest score: [Knight] 74150
Amount of attempts: 7 (1)
Highest score: [Demon] 133990
seems to be this tour isnt made for wizards =P those grandmaster bowmen realy suxx :D well got about 75 k score
Highest score: [Knight] 79118
any other Knights? =)
110172 pkt Necro :)
Gear, what you score?=)
Amount of attempts: 7 (3)
Highest score: [Knight] 80269
Still a surprise after the 4 x 829 recruits

Highest score: [Necromancer] 117304
what surprise after the 4x829 rec??=)
for dmitriyns: Very unexpected and pleasant :)
15th and 16th are already unpleasant enough for wizards

I think I could manage to get 60more mana to see what is the "surprise"
however,I don't want to keep flying around for hours again =S
for smart0eddie:
17) for magicians even more unpleasant surprise
what kind of units are they?
high level ones (like titan ,black dragon ,etc)
or low level units? (spawns? lol )
for smart0eddie: 4x30 bril unicorn ^)
Amount of attempts: 7 (6)
Highest score: [Elf] 136250
highest score [necro] XXX (enough to reach wave YY :p)
i doubt that a wiz will see more waves then 15
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