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Authormh set 2000 gold best anywer specal price for member of #600
Master hunter bone helmet----:Initiative:+2%
Master hunter amulet---------:Attack:+1 Luck:+1
Master hunter armor----------:Defence:+1 Initiative:+2%
Master hunter bow Durability-:Increases shooting range by 1.
Master hunter cutlass--------:Attack:+3 Initiative:+1%
Master hunter dagger---------:Attack:+2
Master hunter boots----------:Initiative:+2%
Master hunter ring of flight-:Increases the initiative of flying creatures in hero's army by 6%.(*2)
master hunter ring of dexterity-----------:Initaive+1
2000 gold per battle .5 hours per battle

special offer for members of clanmates of 600# cost 3500 gold per battle and .25 hours per battle

special offer for members of LOS cost is free 1 hour per battle
pm me with ammont of battles and ill send the arts and tell me either ring of dex or flight and boots or jackboots
whaever clan lets me join for free this offer becomes FREE to every clanmate in that clan
now for a limited time if u rents the whole set u can rent the gh amulet for free for the amount of battles u rented the mh set for
mh armor now has 2% earth magic but still only 2000 gold per battle
masseges #2 and #3 are still in effect
new price 1900 gold per battle
now only free to mebers of Amozon warriors
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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