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AuthorWhat if this game is nothing but a ‘social experiment’
What if this game is nothing but a ‘social experiment’
What will a community do without (or almost) admins

Well…. maybe they wil start taking control by themself

1. In all warclans cheaters are evicted
2. Warclan leaders start to unite and make a list on the forum of evicted players (‘cheaters’) so that they will not enter any other warclan
3. There will be a ‘clean-clan’ sign at the clan page
4. Non warclans join
5. Moderators are taking up their hammers and start banning known cheaters on the forum for a long time
6. An alphabetical list of cheaters (not only the one's evicted from clans) on the forum, updated only by clan leaders (or players assigned by their clans)
7. Players will not participate in hunt-assists with cheaters (probably easier on high levels)

Not possible….perhaps.
But then we already know the outcome of this ‘social experiment’………
what if the opposite happened and everyone started cheating cause there was no authority to hold them back?
Plus, without the admins what does it matter to anyone if they are in a warclan? it would be like "whoops, i cheated and got myself 100k... guess i can't have a picture next to my name" :| The point is war clans don't help much without the promised updates, and there will always be a clan out there that would accept a cheater on accident or knowingly.. there are simply to many of them to keep them all clean.
really i feel that if they were willing to run a social experiment like this,(quite possible, remember how they had that mock prison experiment) then they would probably make it more directed, not just a lack of authority. like examining the interactions are fine but what bout those who rarely, or dont interact, ie just do hunts and mercs, enroll and when durability is up buy from factories. if it was an experiment there would be a focus, thats all im saying
And we the Guinea pigs in the experiment :)
5. Moderators are taking up their hammers and start banning known cheaters on the forum for a long time

omg can u imagine the field day that some of our more "abused and accused feeling" players would have against moderators then...
yeh perhaps one of the admins has a psychology PhD to do :)
Moderators have no powers to deal with cheats either by fines or blocks. All they can do is give forum or chat bans which are hardly a problem for the cheats out there as they just create yet another new multi.

Keepers have limited powers to deal with bad language and staged battles and are currently doing this which is one small mercy but they cannot do more without abusing (and probably losing) their positions as two wrongs never make a right.

The only people (other than admins) who could do anything about cheating were the "juries" who have successfully blocked and fined a large number of cheats BUT have been unable to do their job since last November.

Clans could do a lot more to discourage cheating by refusing them places but we have a number of clans who actually welcome them and have clan profiles like:

human made rules are of little consequence to this clan.
Disciples of this clan are not bound by XXXXXXXX to follow the rules
of the Empress. Disciples are bound to listen to their own inner voice
and be guided by XXXXXXXX on whether to break the Empire's rules or not.
Only XXXXXXXX, or his medium XXXXXXX may override the dictates of this inner voice.
and as this example's clan leader put so well in a personal mail to me XXXXXXXX doesn't care about cheating! which is easily proven by the obvious cheats welcomed and given official positions in it.

Some military clans are little better and knowingly accept proven cheats into their ranks. Another was militarised with a large percentage of illegal funds donatated against the game rules by various cheats. We even have at least 1 military clan whose leader is a major cheat himself.

Official cheat reports have been created for many of these cases but until admins give powers to juries to apply punishments or start doing so again themselves the situation can only get worse.

The only good side to this whole situation is that the info is already compiled and available for quick action when the admins do surface once more and while cheats appear to be able to do as they wish at the moment all their hours of effort will hopefully be for nothing soon.

omg can u imagine the field day that some of our more "abused and accused feeling" players would have against moderators then...

Luckily all the moderators who were involved with these abuses no longer have their positions or are inactive. The ones remaining take their jobs very seriously and are doing them excellently in a very fair and unbiased manner.
what if the opposite happened and everyone started cheating cause there was no authority to hold them back?

I thought this had alrady happened

That was a nice rant DiN :)

It is true that modrators can't do much against cheaters, but are often bashed on. People seems to lose their focus on who is to blame for cheating problems.

Administration <--- Those are responsible for not fining/blocking the cheaters, if you wanna voice against someone, well heres your target.

Stop bashing the modreation team they can't nothing about cheaters, nor Juries, they compile but have no powers to prosecute so they are useless as well. Only Administration can do something and it seems that they are sleeping by now.
I was once thought to be a cheater by someone who I won't tell you(DiN!!!!)
Until I was proven innocent.
closed by AKA-Sarobinas (2010-04-08 07:54:04)
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