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AuthorRematch option in hunts
I'd like to propose a "rematch" option when you lose a hunt, where you get to play through the battle again with the same opponents. Sure, it may not be "realistic", but it sure is frustrating when you lose a battle because of poor luck or one wrong move in the battle.

Even if the rewards are only half the original amount (including experience and skill points), I know I would play the same battle again if it's a match I know I can win.

Anyone else feel the same way when they lose a hunt?
I know I would play the same battle again if it's a match I know I can win.

I suggest you play some other game if losing is an issue for you.
So you mean instead of waiting for an hour more, u wanna play a hunt one after another?

The Hunters License is useless then in this case . . .

1) 4. Any idea should have a purpose and describe the means of it's realization. It should also answer the question: "Why it needs to be done?".
2) not realistic
3) What about the 15min/20min health and mana cooldown respectively
4) You can wait a little longer.
5) Not sure? Wear better arts.
6) And if you levelled up prior to that match? Talents? Recruiting? New stat point?
7) -1
8) Thinking...
I suggest you play some other game if losing is an issue for you.

I suggest you remove your thick glasses and lose the attitude, being a smart alec isn't healthy socially.

So you mean instead of waiting for an hour more, u wanna play a hunt one after another?

No, sigh...this is only for battles lost, not those you won. If you wish to put your counter-points, at least read the post properly first, geez.
Okay, maybe I should provide some clarification.

What I really mean is, provide an option to play against the *same opponents*, because if you've just lost a hunt, you may not ever get the chance to play against the same opponents, and in the same quantities.

Waiting is not the issue here, if this wasn't clear before, then let me emphasise it now. If the posters above had actually read my post properly, they might have guessed that this was the gist of my post, not the waiting time or whatever.
If you play for a hunter record, you can just play till you win. You can be the 'champion hunter' if you just get the right hunts.
And what about artifact durability?

So: -1, bad idea
Hmm a quite a nice idea. I came across these situations before, losing due to a few mistakes in hunts I could easily win, but because of leveling up or some other randomn reasons I never faced the same hunt again.

+1, but maybe a tweak in the fsp/exp ratio offered when one takes up the option of rematch. Like 50% of the maximum points gained from the battle, just to make a fair reduction for a speed-ed up battle.
If you play for a hunter record, you can just play till you win. You can be the 'champion hunter' if you just get the right hunts.
And what about artifact durability?

You can also play only "piece of cake hunts" if you wish. Artifact durability is as normal, that is the penalty of taking the rematch.
also play only "piece of cake hunts"
You just said it yourself: also. So there is also a probability that everyone can be a 'champion hunter' :)
So you mean instead of waiting for an hour more, u wanna play a hunt one after another?


that's why you must serious for every fight as every fight might be the last chance you had :)
because if you've just lost a hunt, you may not ever get the chance to play against the same opponents, and in the same quantities.

this is not true. you will get a chance to play that same hunt with exactly the same quantities. you need to skip some other hunts if you are afraid you'd level up in the meantime, and you need just a little patience. that's not too much to ask. for example i am skipping hunts most of the time, sometimes suffering sever workaholic penalties. you get one chance, and if you don't use it, you just have to wait for that same hunt some other time. sounds fair to me ^^
what about artifact durability?
Do we want to lose our artifacts durability to gain just 50% of the skill points and gold we would have got if we had won the first time.

because if you've just lost a hunt, you may not ever get the chance to play against the same opponents, and in the same quantities.
It isnt true see my combat logs I got to hunt 766 golems many times.
Go though the first four pages and you will see I got to hunt them many times.
Well, my reply does sound 'smart-alec', but I quoted your words without bringing it out of context.

and as to the subsequent revision of your idea, i give it thumbs down as well, as i arrive to similar arguments made by rgwarrior and korzika. And to add on to rgwarrior's comments, try and envision a scenario whereby a player keeps on retrying a hunt record over and over which is supposed to be technically impossible unless he/she gets a whole bunch of morale and luck boost.
say you have a match in real life(sport match for example) can you request to umpire that you want a rematch?can you tell him 1st round its only a trial..can i repeat again>?

this concept also applied to lordswm ..you may plan your tactic and play before the game started..

and as for you called people a smart-alec..please change your attitude..you need to listen to others people's opinion and comment..if you don't listen,why bother to open a thread here?

overall -1 for idea
Sigh...I can accept plausible rebuttals, counter-points, and differences of opinion, but some of the replies here.....leave me speechless.....

say you have a match in real life(sport match for example) can you request to umpire that you want a rematch?can you tell him 1st round its only a trial..can i repeat again>?

this concept also applied to lordswm ..you may plan your tactic and play before the game started..

and as for you called people a smart-alec..please change your attitude..you need to listen to others people's opinion and comment..if you don't listen,why bother to open a thread here?

This is just a game, not a competitive sporting match, please. Nobody gets harmed or cries foul play if you replay a HUNT (not a PvP match obviously). If you play chess against a computer, can you not replay your matches anytime you want?

As for the smart-alec reply, if you can't tell what was wrong with the reply of the person who posted it, then I rest my case. Imagine, you make a case for a discussion, and someone replies telling you to go play some other game, do you think that is a proper thing to do?

Well, my reply does sound 'smart-alec', but I quoted your words without bringing it out of context.

It is not only out of context and an ad hominem argument, but also rude. Stop justifying your words.

Do we want to lose our artifacts durability to gain just 50% of the skill points and gold we would have got if we had won the first time.

Of course, that is a balancing point for the rematch option. If you wish to retry, then there should be a "penalty", so to speak. I can only imagine that without it, there would be twice the amount of replies here screaming foul, not that there isn't enough already.

this is not true. you will get a chance to play that same hunt with exactly the same quantities. you need to skip some other hunts if you are afraid you'd level up in the meantime, and you need just a little patience. that's not too much to ask.

Well, I respect your opinion if that's what you want, but I'd rather not have to wait some indefinite amount of time before I get the same hunt again. As I said, it could be a very long time in between, not to mention all the other hunts you may have to miss to avoid levelling up.

that's why you must serious for every fight as every fight might be the last chance you had :)

I *am* serious in all my fights. But one mistake can cost you the match, hence the frustration, and hence my suggestion. I find it truly surprising that so many who reply here take defeats so easily.

So you mean instead of waiting for an hour more, u wanna play a hunt one after another?


Read. The. Post.


I am really surprised by the number of negative replies here. But what surprises me even more is that not one person has actually presented a plausible rebuttal. Are there any negative side effects to my suggestion? Is it unfair to anybody? The rematch option can only be *one time* only for the *last defeat* incurred, if people are so concerned about retrying over and over again.

I honestly don't get what is so bad about it. Arguments like "then you must try harder" or "take each fight seriously", aren't credible, and it's a shame if I need to explain why. If I didn't take each fight seriously, I wouldn't be bothered if I lost, and this thread wouldn't even exist now, would it?

It's a pity there is no way to disallow those below 18 years old to post. Not that there aren't brilliant or even matured-thinking kids around, but the majority are not, as evident here.

For anyone who's wondering, click on Chance12's profile and you'll know his age. I am not about to argue with 12-year olds.

And for anyone posting a '-1', attaching a reason behind it would be helpful, unless you mean to say you're doing it on a whim, in which case I would simply consider you a troll, and ignore your post entirely.
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