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AuthorExtensive gating talent didnt work?
Hi, i switched to demon today and i tried the talent extensive gating,which give me 10%+5%*luck paramter of gated stacks,but i have basic gating parameter 20% (as demon 0) and i had 3 luck, it is 20+10+(5*3)=45% of creature is gated,
but from my 13 hell horses was 3 gated (its something about 25%), the same with cerberi, spawns.... Whats wrong or am i wrong??
here is the battle
basic parameter is disregarded.

its 10%+5%*(heroluk parameter)

= 10+5*3

= 25%
"the number of gated creatures is increased with 10%+5%*luck"

I would read that like this:
if you gate 15 creatures normally and you have 2 luck, you will gate
0,20*75*(1+10%+5%*2) = 15*(1.2) = 18 units.

NOT like this:
(0,20+10%+5%*2)*75 = 0,4*75 = 30 units
so its mega stupid talent, i though is good
This is a unique Demonic ability which allows your troops to call for additional reinforcements right on the combat field. The amount of troops summoned directly depends on the numbers of the summoning stack. Any demonic creature led by a lord is able to gate a stack consisting of 20%+4%*[Demon skill level] creatures of the summoning stack. This ability is extremely useful against neutral creatures. You will be able to distract enemy troops with the summoned armies and destroy them with your main forces, use magic or simply run them over with everything you've got.
Gated stacks disappear after combat. Note that if only gated creatures are left, the Demon loses the fight immediately, as if he or she didn't have them at all.


20% - Basic Parameter
10% - Talent
(5*3=15%) - Luck Parameter

Maybe a bug or not . Or something wrong with formula...
hm... i said the exact opposite of sry.
So that means im right. Yes!

For even more proof I am right, youre spawns:

you had 60 of them => gate 15.
Gating = 20% => default should be 12 spawns
10%+3*5% = > +25%
12 + 25% => 15 spawns

And yes, with a low faction level the talent is not that good.
it is increase your gated unit NOT from your real stack.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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