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Author11th survival tournament level 14
left - up - right - down
1 wave
14 vampires - 14 magi - 36 ghost - 19 cerberi
2 wave
28 shrews - 11 hell horse - 28 shrews - 11 hell horse
3 wave
4*42 magi
4 wave
74 rogues - 96 efk - 74 rogues - 96 efk
5 wave
26 hydra - 96 appa - 26 hydra - 96 appa
6 wave
85 renegade magicans - 351 zombie - 30 liches - 21 nightmares

I hate magicans :D
same rule:
7:15 death envoy,4 behemoth,green dragon,202 incendiaries
8:56 GMB,14 brilliant unicorn,13 archlich,28 lizard ass
9:564 skeleton bowmen,405 gar,122 minotaur,348 bowmen
10:257 enchanted gar,112 renegade thug,257 enchanted gar,renegade thug
11:4 x 466 demon
12:38 thunderbird,51 hydra,831 recruit,10 devil
13:156 M-sorcerer,27 death envoy,104 griffin,183 wolf raider
14:100 druid,44 cleric,172 cerberi,127 ogre
15:4 x 1363 skeleton
Wave 7

15 Envoys - 4 Behemoths - 4 Green Dragons - 200 Incendenaries
thx for sharing
whoever is interested in the left-righ, up-down format take a look at our forum.
wave 10 as babr, 105k score
not an easy tour again with many gargs and magicians
Dead end wave 13... :(
I forget one wave,new
left - up - right - down
1.vampires,14 magi,36 ghost,19 cerberi
2.28 shrews,11 hell horse,28 shrews,11 hell horse
3.4 x 42 magi
4.74 rogues,96 efk,74 rogues,96 efk
5.26 hydra.96 apparition.26 hydra,96 apparition
6.85 renegade magicans,351 zombie,30 liches,21 nightmares
7.15 death envoy,4 behemoth,4 green dragon,200 incendiaries
8.56 GMB,14 brilliant unicorn,13 archlich,28 lizard ass
9.564 skeleton bowmen,405 gar,122 minotaur,348 bowmen
10.257 enchanted gar,112 renegade thug,257 enchanted gar,renegade thug
11.4 x 466 demon
12.38 thunderbird,51 hydra,831 recruit,10 devil
13.156 M-sorcerer,27 death envoy,104 griffin,183 wolf raider
14.100 druid,44 cleric,172 cerberi,127 ogre
15.104 vampiric lizard,424 skeleton bowmen,3 black dragon,89 scout
16.4 x 1363 skeleton
17.110 scout,880 skeleton,29 thunderbird,375 gar
18.4 x 2441 skeleton
16.4 x 1363 skeleton
17.110 scout,880 skeleton,29 thunderbird,375 gar
18.4 x 2441 skeleton

lots of not-drainable to kill for vamps :P
Hey guin you have bad order in wave 17.
According to left - up - right - down it is 110 scout, 880 skeleton, 375 gargs, 29 thunderbirds:)
closed by Brilliant (2010-05-29 12:35:31)
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