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AuthorMerc Element Change Counter
I have noticed a lot of different games have this.
Its a change counter for how likely it is to get an element

So like at the bottom of the page after it tells you the quest it says,
Chances of receiving Element, 34%

And it like changes on how hard the quest is

Even though it is always 20% maybe the admins can change it

But yeh thats the idea
it's nice may be chance to get element can be as same as luck or morale..so if you don't get element,you can get higher chace to get it which shown by percentage as state above..

noo the chances of geting a element is whatever reputation u have
The chance to get an element is always 20% and it's independent from the previous missions outcomes.
it's independent from the previous missions outcomes.

not true it totally depends from other missions :D
high reputation allows you to have more quests in less time. Just this

i would like to know WHEN I GET AN ELEMENT

i have gotten 1/12 Mg's now!
A friend of mine on russian server got 10 meteorite shards in a row :0
I havent got any so, i think it should be an option that is considered
nice idea..i never tried merc.quests.But i hav seen my brother in Merc.Quests.So i suggest +1
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