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this game is called Lords of War and MONEY - earning money and managing it well is part of the game, it shouldnt be too easy or where is the challenge?

Maybe a counter at the top to show how long before you are due to enroll or a flag if you are unemployed would help
+1 to this idea though! :)
I gave -1 because personally I think it is a bad idea.

By creating a post here you are asking people's opinions of your idea. When they give them and in most cases give their reasons too then it is not fair to just post that they are wrong.

and yes, when posting in any thread most people are of course thinking about themselves.

It is easy to leave your computer "online" 24 hours per day. All you need to do is open an auto-refreshing screen like Group Battles page or even a chat window.

This would also make it easier for cheats to open multiple characters in different browsers (e.g. IE, firefox, Chrome, etc..) and get a lot more gold to feed into their mains. I gave -1 because personally I think it is a bad idea.

By creating a post here you are asking people's opinions of your idea. When they give them and in most cases give their reasons too then it is not fair to just post that they are wrong.

and yes, when posting in any thread most people are of course thinking about themselves.

Completely agreed

Also +1 to the idea with the flag :)

You see....If we all are rich, you will be strong nd gain more exp in tournament and fighting each other with strong artifacts, isn't it same as
fighting each other with minimium ap
continuous auto-enrollment is stupid...

u can set a clock to warn u...or there is a script...

1 auto-enrollment could make some sense, if u r in a long battle...
if you r in a fight or a tower game, and u don't work anywhere let say for 20 minutes or the battle lasts for more than a certain time, then the empire should enroll u to a mine! ... if the battle is over before that time, the player is capable to enroll...

1. there is no mine in the region u r in (tough luck)
2. no empty workplace (tough luck again:)
3. no money in mine (do i have to say it again:))
though if sg happens that makes a workplace available, then auto-enroll...

benefits for the player:
1. works and gets +1 guild points and some money...
2. don't have to type recaptcha:)

benefit to all:
the chances for depleted mines are reduced, so less likely to have resource-shortages, in mines... (i remember of sulfur and ore shortages)
That was a joke.....cant believe anyone would think I was serious about that.

A "fair game" is a myth. Some will always have advantages over others, be it time, money, internet speed, intelligence, or cheating.

auto enrollment would not make anything more fair, thats like saying making all artifacts free would make things more fair. Games are fun because they provide a challenge. How long would you really play this game if you could get the best of everything right away and without any effort, or if you could easily win all your battles.

This game is really very basic, but you have to work hard at achieving things. And if you are not careful you can get in trouble with gold.
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