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AuthorCreature's became smarter and stronger !
#40 They can simulate many possibities on how the battle can continue. They can find out what's the best move in every moment. You can't.

Of course, everything depednds on how you define "smart".
But I still have in mind an image in a hunt with SW doing an offset and me saying: look, now that this ability has been implemented (after Throne Battle), they've started doing this. Or maybe it wasn't a hunt.. Or maybe it was a dream :D.
Maybe its because they do identical move (shake) when they suffer from poison;)
When in a hunt all of the shooters run away from my characters
I find this, both annoying and funny
Because then i shoot them with elven and block with faeries.
i think they got dumber :D
[Crossbowmen]: well hello there =) *winks*

They got smarter in using symbols in chat or that has already happened months ago before the AI creeps get a boost in their intellegence?

Has anyone seen a combat with sprites using their magic?
Time for a new list for hunt records.
The old ones are outdated completely and on most parts impossible now.
they're still dumb in some ways
i used genies to poison some liz cavalry, and because they're large creatures, i kept magi in a stack to use through shot and protected them with gargs. the poisoned stack couldn't reach anything, so they just kept waiting, and so lost twice as much health from poisoning :D
Hmmm .. Bowmen now can do volley .. the worst is the battle dive
battle dive can be easy to dodge - if you know what they will hit, just move aside (if you have shooters, just keep one defender in front of them, so that you can move around).
@50: battle dive still works even if the shooter is surrounded by defenders. The way to avoid battle dive is to move the piece being targetted.
[Post deleted by moderator Red_Baron // off topic]
[Player banned by moderator Erebes until 2010-05-14 09:38:18 // No thanks .]

no sprites do not use their mana
@51: that is exactly what i said: only keep one defender in front of the shooter instead of three, so that you can move the shooter to avoid battle dive.
or during the placement of troops keep them random and when royal take dive put them to original places
if royal griffins will come in five stacks. Then two of them will dive on your archers, the other two will move forward. You move your archers, both miss with the dive, from the other three stacks, two of them will dive, the third will attack something. You move your archers again, the two that are diving will miss, one stack will dive, the other two stacks will hit something. So you move your archers again (if still possible). One stack that dived will miss your archers, the other four stacks will attack something.
And now.... you can finally start shooting with your archers.
Good luck killing all five stacks :)
for Sven91:
lol in this process may be our arches will be killed by the friff who r not diving

Are you sure that the 2 diving stacks are attacking the same archers? I usually have monks beside xbow. I thought one is attacking xbow, the other is attacking monks.
not sure. Since I am a wizard, they dont dive at all. It was just an example.
All i know is that each stack can only dive once. So if you have 5 stacks of royal griffins, some will move forward and some will dive. But on their second turn the others will dive.
Dont know how in alone hunt but in helped hunt all 5 royal griffs battle dived in first turn.
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