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Authorunblocking previous game accounts?
is there no chance of getting back ur game account after it has been blocked by the game administrator? because of transferring gold to other accounts
Even if that was possible, you would have to pay back twice the gold illegally transferred.
Better to start a new char from the beginning.
its alrite for me
i'll return twise the gold illegally transferred
i juz want all three of my accounts bak pls
I'm sure it's possible, but extremely unlikely...maybe even no chance...
r u sure that it is possible to unblock accounts by returning twice the golds bcoz i was having lvl account and bot blcoked .
you can NOT get your account back by just agreeing to pay back *2 of the gold you illegally got, under special conditions you may have your account unblocked, but i doubt it will be happening for anybody. forget about your account and start anew
it is possible
7 lol thats sheriffs account he was just testing it but i doubt u can unblock a real char even tho that already happened once or twice.
it is possible but you can NOT get your account back by just agreeing to pay back *2 of the gold you illegally got, under special conditions you may have your account unblocked
7 lol thats sheriffs account he was just testing it but i doubt u can unblock a real char even tho that already happened once or twice.

So his char is unreal?

I see he can hunt, duel, enroll and when he went offline. Unless admin say it is technical impossible i would say it is.
Actualy there is a cheater that got unblocked for no apparent reason.

any character with an ID lower than 100, is an administrative tech character.
even tho that already happened once or twice.

There had been a few instances that player blocked were unblocked as misself mentioned. I'm not sure what mean did they used, but this is what suggested:

4. Questions regarding penalties, _unblock requests_, and other kinds of communication with Administration are made with the help of Secretary (https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=4). If your combat level is below the 3rd and you can't use the private mail - either raise your level or ask your friends or clanmates. Contacting the Administration via "Queries & Help" is SENSELESS.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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