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AuthorDon't pass by hunts
Have a hunt that you can't do?
or maybe you don't want to do it?

Well don't hit the pass by button.
If you do you must wait 30 minutes (correct me if i'm wrong)

Just travel without hitting pass by!
It will give you another hunt a lot faster!

so you can travel away then back...wait a short time and you get another hunt in a fraction of the time!

Just something i found out ;D
you must wait 30 minutes
You are wrong. Waiting time is 20-30 min, and travel="pass by". And it's bad GGF topic...)
20-30 minutes...and are you sure? proof?
Challenging neutrals is possible once in a [40 min.; 60min.] period (random occurrence each time) - not a hour
Passing by the neutrals or moving to another location while having neutrals on track brings up another ones in half that interval.
Game FAQ, Question 35

What happens if I pass by the neutrals or travel to another location while I see them?

They will respawn in half the waiting time (20-30 minutes).
You win ;)

well i guess i'm imagining things ^^
closed by diversecity (2010-05-09 18:23:50)
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