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AuthorSimple edtiting = Your account getting scammed. Stay Safe!
There have been many scamming issues going on every now and then in lordswm. (That kinda rhymed! xD)

I had some spare time, so just thought about doing a bit of contribution to the LWM community.

Coming on topic:
This thread is just to make you guys aware that just by simple editing skills, I or anyone, can create photos or pages that might look absolutely real to you. And of course you will believe in it, and get trapped.

So it is better, you know how to cut the net BEFORE you get trapped, rather than knowing it afterwards.


This is a simple edit done by me, which involved editing a mail. The actual mail had a totally different content which I edited to make it look as if I got it from Empire herself/himself.

In the same way scammers can edit photos and lure you into a scam. This is one of the most simplest forms of scams. There are many more things that can be done with images.

I just want to convey my most important point . . . .


If you have witnessed or have experienced any such scam attempt tried on you, and how you pwned the scammer (XD) then kindly share the incident. It will just make many more targets to be saved.

But kindly make sure you don't share any links nor any images that got you into the mess. We don't want more people falling into it. So stick to words when it comes to sharing! xD

(I'm not sure if this belongs in General Forum, but I do think it is game related)
Hmmm I haven't heard of anyone who got scammed this way, but thanks for sharing. (not that I would believe somebody if he showed me a picture of a message anyway).
i knokw my friend Davidcheng got scammed (thats what he said) 150k. I got lots of tries by others too, but i pwned every single one of them. what ever happens, NEVEr change your password, NEVER change your email address, NEVER believe anything that has got to do with diamonds.
No offense but i find some peoples stupidity absolutely hilarious. I just don't honestly believe anyone can be stupid to log into a website offering hacks/resource and stuff.

It makes me lol :|

My personal experience, no one has ever tried scamming me ¬_¬
I've had 1 person try, but it was pretty feeble.
I like to taunt my scammer to get them excited and just keep asking random questions that never really lead anywhere like, have you any real life testimonials to prove this? will i get a discount if i reply within the next ten minutes? then pretend to comply telling them it sounds like a good deal and ill be interested, and my "friend" secretary would aslo be interested if they have another "deal"

just wasting there time makes my day, same deal with telemarketers when they ring my phone
for nahdont:

so you know how fun this is xD} here is another taunt: first check their time zone and promising you are very interested in their offer and going to buy whatever they are trying to trick you, arrange an online meeting in 1am-2am their local time XD priceles...
I've gotten 5 or 6 scam attempts sent to me. I usually pretend not to speak english and keep them busy trying to translate some language that I completely make up, like canadianese or scotlandish ;-)
#4 - MasterTI - My personal experience, no one has ever tried scamming me ¬_¬

I think this is probably due to the fact that they realise there is no point. Your previous forum posts show you are not stupid and they realise that there is a 0% chance you would fall for it. Also what could they offer you? A high level character - you already have one of the highest, diamonds to get creatures at an earlier level - you can already use all of them, etc..

These scams appear to be done by a very small number of players (using various illegal character they created).

They also seem to target either lower level players or those who have shown by the their forum posts either a low level of intelligence/maturity or greed (e.g. keen to get something for nothing).

as was said above: NEVER change your password, NEVER change your email address, NEVER believe anything that has got to do with diamonds. AND if something sounds to good to be true then it is isn't!
Scammers. Just forward to Secretary, then block them to get rif of the nuisance pms. Easy.
They also seem to target either lower level players or those who have shown by the their forum posts either a low level of intelligence/maturity or greed (e.g. keen to get something for nothing).

So how would you suggest that players with "a low level of intelligence/maturity" deal with the situation? Should they avoid posting altogether to avoid the potential of being scammed? Just curious as we have many players here who are younger and also many for whom English is not a native language and may thus appear by their posts to be less intelligent due to still learning English and it's grammatical rules.

Completely agree on the greed portion... if you seek something for nothing, you're just asking for trouble.
Do not tell ur password and username to anyone .. even if u can, do not mention ur real names to another .. that is the only way to stay safe
and username

I doubt that! xD

But yeah totally agreed.so you know how fun this is xD} here is another taunt: first check their time zone and promising you are very interested in their offer and going to buy whatever they are trying to trick you, arrange an online meeting in 1am-2am their local time XD priceles...

I would laugh my arse out if the scammer really did get online at those timings! xD

On Topic:

I think the basic thing we all gotta know, is to differentiate between real and fake. (or what is logically real and logically fake)
I would laugh my arse out if the scammer really did get online at those timings! xD

it wouldn't be a half much fun if they didn't :} one them (Warnra) actually was been waiting for nearly half an hour. "character went offline" statistic showed everything on the next day xD entertaining as it was, i'm afraid our comversations set him ot her... idnk, ok - "it" off into pathological mood disorder to the point that couple of days before it was been blocked, it rented a luxury art for 2600 gold like a decent player :DD

conclusion: greediness + blindness can kill your sleep!
EDIT: post #9-priceless, #16-conversations. lol, what happened with edit button idea...
hmm.. I wonder why I never receive a scamming attempt.

Oh wait...now I know!
I blocked message from players with level 14 or below. Lol ;p
oops.. I mean : lower than 14 :p
for everyone: Theres actually a website full of people who are dedicated to waste lots and lots of scammer's time and money, google '419 eater'.

As for my own experience, I have never been scammed. That kind of makes me sad, I want to have some fun :P
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