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As i asked a long time ago Arctic for compensation for my lost TGI i want to ask again becouse admins are more active those days.

just to explain:
i rent my tgi ( which i bought with 80 diamonds ) out to a cheater ( long time before the new rule ). He did not return his thief arts nore gave me the renting fee. And before he could reach tg lvl 2, becouse he told me after several ppl told him to give the Invite back, to return my tgi, he was blocked by admin.

Did something changed in those days and do i get a compensation now ?
Nope. TGI leasing counts under:

3.17. The Administration does not take responsibility for the unreturned debts and does not guarantee compensation in case of swindling by other players. When a loan is not returned in time, (the time must be written in the transfer logs, no more than a month) the swindler will be imposed a penalty of a sum twice as much. If the term isn't posted in the transfer logs, the penalty will occur 1 month after the loan transaction. The creditor does not get compensation.

Many players (including myself) lost their TGIs because their renters either just couldn't make it to TG2, wasn't willing to return TGI, transferred their TGI to their multi, sold it, etc.
u know, u could have included the renting fee in the transfer.
Why didn't u? That way, not all would have been lost >.>
u could have played thief till tg lvl 4 to get another one as compensation for the lost and admins only compensate for their own mistakes not urs :)
01-25-09 09:30: Transferred item(s): 'Thief invitation' [1/1] to Doctor_Etk . Transaction price: 1 Gold
01-25-09 09:24: Transferred 1 Gold to Doctor_Etk : 2 k each day after 14 days .max 1 month total
01-25-09 09:23: Transferred 1 Gold to Doctor_Etk : return2 thief art and invite when reach tg lvl2
01-25-09 09:23: Transferred 1 Gold to Doctor_Etk : return1 thief art when reach tg lvl1

i included the renting fee.

i dont want to start a big disscussion again i just want to know if something changed. The Point is admin does not guarantee compensation but they can do.

the point was that he wanted to return the TGI in time after lots of mods and ppl told him but he gets blocked before he did. Arctic even ask to unblock him just to let him finish TG lvl 2.
Scratchy you just made bad decission and lent TGI to bad player, same as I did and many other players did. Dont expect you get it ever back.
for vidlak666:
You lost your TGI?

That sux :/ you were an awesome TGI master! :D
7 there are worse cases some ppl lost 2 or more tgi i guess im lucky my tgi was only rented out for 7 months for free and other guy transfer it to his multi without telling me 1st or paying for it.
I know, poor world... :/
I believe I read somewhere, in the forums that with compensation it might work differently if TGI was bought with diamonds. No likely, but small chance. I think what I heard was regard to players who bought diamonds and then were blocked. Since they had paid for things the game administration could not deny the benefits that had been paid for, and were therefore duty bound to pay it back (no idea whether this happened or not - probably not). Your situation is different, as you could argue that you did gain the benefit of it - ie being in thiefs guild. But maybe worth a shot. I hope what I have said is not from a highly spurious memory, and too lazy to search out the answer.
10 just a wild rumor as i know vidlak's TGI was bought for diamonds and they didnt even block the offender.
Renting out a TGI was a risk. You chose to get money, thief arts, whatever you charge, aswell as the TGI back. So you just got stuff for no effort on your own when the TGI came back.

The cost of getting that free stuff was the risk of getting a bad person who doesn't give the TGI back. Live with it.
true. you can't do anything about that. just beware of the people you trust withing a game
I believe I read somewhere, in the forums that with compensation it might work differently if TGI was bought with diamonds. No likely, but small chance. I think what I heard was regard to players who bought diamonds and then were blocked. Since they had paid for things the game administration could not deny the benefits that had been paid for, and were therefore duty bound to pay it back (no idea whether this happened or not - probably not). Your situation is different, as you could argue that you did gain the benefit of it - ie being in thiefs guild. But maybe worth a shot. I hope what I have said is not from a highly spurious memory, and too lazy to search out the answer.

I very much doubt it, as buying diamonds is classed as a "donation", and the diamonds are simply a way of showing gratitude for this donation as a small token of thanks from the admins
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