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Authorno combat and only hunt and labour makes one the strongest!!
it's amazing that the most boring part of the game happens to be crucial to make one the strongest. can anyone tell me any wayout which points to some different way??
Everyone choose the way of playing himself.

The way out is to donate diamonds :)
lolzzz...that deals with real money...i know
Most of the people having lots of gold without enrolling many times are those very lucky when it comes to tavern or roulette.

Enrolling is the only SAFE way of getting GUARANTEED gold and an USEFULL skill on the long term due to the LG bonuses. It might make the game boring sometimes, but in the long term, you'll recieve the fun that others will miss.
But enrolling gives not much gold(175-200)
#not much?

at low level LG is low but when ur LG is high enough it gives multiple of that money

for my level its 175x3= 525

so is it not much?

For LG level 8, you get 205*4.5=922.5 for one enroll. You could make 10k gold in 11 hours.

Yes, but:

1) you will surely get that gold
2) you can enroll every hour
3) when you reach a higher LG level, you get more and more [ https://www.lordswm.com/help.php?section=10 ]
4) you don't risk anything when enrolling
for fatal_blow:
the fastest way to be rich is doing many Illegal transfer like u!!

there is no free lunch in this world..either you work for it..or u quit it

cheater like you will get blocked..
Dont like that man, which force me write **** codes and enroll, instead make a money in combats.

Makes me angry support battles. What does have it sense enroll 3 or more hours to support one combat? I want do battles, not always think about, if it makes me money. Just fight, not thinking about money.....
#11 Read the name of the game.
You don`t need to work.)
Just buy a sword for the money, you get from lvl-ups, to reach the minimal required AP.
And...enjoy PvP! Cause it doesn`t really matter if you lose all the time, does it?)
Just fight, not thinking about money.....

so why play a game called Lord of War and MONEY?

Though i agree that there is a flaw in a game where only enrolling, losing combats and winning minimum hunts makes you a stronger player! That is a very boring way to play though.
I enrolled a lot, lost a lot, did quite some hunts (HG 6). In no way I'm stronger than a Lv 13/14 who did less of those than me.
If you have a good LG level for your level, you can play in combats without losing much money. For example, playing a good group battle can take more than one hour, doing MG quests may give a big profit with min/average AP, and in min-AP hunts you can make some profit too, if you have good HG level. And you can always play card games for free/little bet if you want :D
12: DarkSooth: i am saying, enrolling is boring, waste of my time;
Just think little about, how many people is wasting their time with traveling around map and buying and selling resources, buying them and sell them at marketplace etc...yes, you could. My advice: open excel or any better software and use mathematical function there. Play with your college mathematic, so, there some people. But in graphic strategy it is nonsense.

I wish triple prize from hunting, and double to hunt with assistence, where will be prize divided into two. So, hunting cover up your fight.
Same with other fights.
Keep enrolling, but lower the effect. As i said before, this is first battle, where are you loosing even with succesfull fight (dont count levels without min ap)

I want say, i love heroes of might and magic (especially 3), this game well programmed, mean graphic, stability and tactic options, but economy makes me angry. Dont suppose people who understand czech read comments in my battle, my frustration from economy is clearly visible.

13: DuskCarnivore: good idea. But.... you need time, sometimes i dont want see any people and play against computer is easier, you could make a break and return for exampla after lunch after half an hour (thx to dismiss countiong time in pve) You need friends playing with, not such big problem, but you know, you will be limited in time.
And next one, you cant play then full equip battles, or only sometimes.

14:Laitha: good question;-)
mmmmm, lets say, i love Lords of war and hate Lords of money.

16:Penguinmaniac: min ap hunts;-)i rarely win hunt with min ap, much often i am beated with ap around 20 and more;-) and say me again min ap hunts, after i changed faction
my god, why isnt changing atributtes for free? same as with talents?
correction to text
there some people - > there are some people(which love this)

this is first battle -> this is first game

this game -> this game is

battle -> battles; example

some more text
it was ideal on low levels, i did one hunt and 2-3 assistance in hunts;
i battled near all the time and make money; o liked it...it changed at level 5 :-(
enrolling is boring Seems by this post , that you want to be 14 lvl in 1 day . Of course it is boring , but if you aren't enought patient - then just dont play. Whats the problem?
19: darcanis: offending autor of post is one of ways how to lead disccusion on the bad way; sorry guy, but.....

many people wrote about this;-)
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