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Authoronline symbol in forums
turn-off-able in menus

motivation is the leasing forum and having to check who is online

give them a little green button by their names



Don't know if the server can handle the stress.

server already displays it in profile

i don't know if your point is a serious one so i'll stop there
Actually it was serious. The server display at the top is just a single data entry for each player to pull from. But online status for each post takes more server power:
1.) There are thousands of players posting, so server needs to pull from multiple sources.
2.) Every time you visit a forum page the server needs to display the online status for each post.

I believe one the main reasons why the friend's list online status updates so infrequently is because of server power issue.
but it's online status for each poster and not for each post, and it doesn't have to be requested individually for each forum viewer

if player = online, symbol = green, if off, = red .. miniscule extra stress on server, almost no extra net traffic (just the <1kb of the images)

server already has the online status of each player, it would be a simple piece of code to display it in this manner

i believe
It wouldn't be much stress for the server grabbing an additional field along with id, username and military clan (if any) as it is probably stored, instead of being hard codded :)

However, it's not the most important feature that needs to be implemented at this time. The forums lacks many other functions.
the game is being prepared to be even more accessible from mobile devices. this is the reason why the forum, market, inventory, etc. are kept with this light interface design, maintaining the best possible functionality in the same time.
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