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Authorabusive language in private message

plz see this
Any insults or threats recieved in PM's must be sent to the secretary. https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=4 -- Click reply to the message that was sent to you then change the name that you are sending it to to secretary and it will be delt with. If you do not want to recieve any more messages from this person you can block any mail from him.
[Player banned by moderator Georgia until 2010-05-19 09:31:32 // Learn the rules. Warning!]
eh... new mods... what can you do.

for DragonFlayer:
next time it will be a ban for misleading information, not to mention the unnecessary 3rd party comment. go find the rules and learn them, if you are going to use them in the future.

for kan_somu:
2. Insults via Private mail should be resent to character Insults. To resend the letter containing insults - click on 'Reply' button and change the name of the receiver to Insults.
closed by Georgia (2010-05-19 13:27:03)
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