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AuthorDEMON faction: Stats, Talents, Tactics, Strategy
A totall LOSS
What should I do??
see my camp in corner strategy posted earlier in thread .. gives you chance to gate and most his stacks run to you
Hi, Demon brethren i want to ask a few question :)

1. How many SP and KN need to make "Striving speed" build effective?
2. What is the advantage and disadvantage for "striving speed build" compare to "might build" for MG, Hunt, and Thieving?
3. For lv.10 Demon with lv.3 faction skill, what build should i use?

Please give me your opinions, Thanks
1. 2-3sp, more is redundant.. 1 kn is enough if you can draw mana but 2 is safer.. so 2 and 2 or 2 and 3 or 1 and 2 .. depends on situation
2. striving speed is nice..but the loss of attack for casting stats mitigates its effectiveness.. i think you will achieve pretty similar results with either build..
3. again i think you will find both pretty much even so it doesn't matter..but striving is nice you should certainly give it a try.. :)
i guess for thieving you'd want 3sp for it.. still 2 turns goes a long way when your initiative is 24.7 :)
1. 3SP 2 KN at least. this way u'll get the haste effect for 6 turn (or 2x 3turn).
+ very high init for your troops (definitely ;p) horse can get over 20 initiative.
+ can be used to assist ur ally, not just your army.
- damage per hit reduced (by -5 atk, by not using other offence talent).
- not always effective against every type of enemy (its effective only against slow moving enemy i think)

3. full might is the best way. dark build is not that good for everyday purpose (hunt, mg quest). if u need extra power, use ring of inspiration with medal of bravery, and use retribution as ur talent. ur damage should be quite good. or just use more arts than the minimum AP ;p
Hmm.... I see.
If i use Striving speed build, i must sacrifice roughly 35% dmg, cannot use Tactics or Archery talent for 30% more initiative.

I think, i will use full might build that suit for all situation.

For moki- and dedengkot thanks for helping me to find out
full might is the best way i agree

In less that 10% of my battles striving speed was better.
Hi, Demon players.
I want to ask about demon lv.10 thieving.

Can any experience demon thieves give me guidance about tactics and starting formation that will give an advantage to deal with each type of Caravan.
If possible, give me some battle examples to learn :P

Please help me, thanks
#69 read the thread :)

best tactic depends on makeup or caravan which is not known but - best strat for melee-heavy cara is to camp in corner to gate and let all run to you -- best tactic vs ranged heavy, well, its tough but i think usually behind the enemy hero, 2 stacks of cerb.. this tactic is linked to by me in thread too

you can see possible caravans for each faction at witchhammer


that can help you decide on placement

Thanks moki- for fast reply.

Yes, i have already read the thread and see your thieving combat.
I using your new thief setup formation, it work well to me, i have around 10 winning using your tactics for last 3 days.

If i use camp in corner setup, it very disadvantage when battle with range type Caravan.

But i'm currious if anyone have a different setup, i like to try that.
haha, i usually divide cerb into 3 stack and put them in 2 sides, so sometimes the box surrounding ranged unit will break and the other cerb can move in there..succubi was only there to attract fire. if u're not in a rush to get higher lvl in TG, might want to use minimum ap set, and just play to loose so the caravan difficulty will reduced ;p
With magic guild level 3 on lvl 10 i m curious if there are succesfull magic users on lvl 10 demons out there?
If yes i would love to watch some combats of them.
for dedengkot:

I would like to try your setup, your setup seems good for all Caravan except DE Caravan.
When facing DE caravan how do you keep survive from their high initiative shrew cause they can reach your Cerberus first? Do you use that setup against DE caravan too?

Yeah i want to use minimum ap set after i reach TG lv.3 soon. I need money from selling the thief reward for building my castle :P
Can someone explain me please:
When I fight neutral troops e.g. bowmen (initiative 9) my hell horses (ini 18.2) can gate AND have their first turn before bowmen. When spawns or cerberi (ini 14.8) gate their turn comes after bowmen. Is the formula as simple as: Horses have more than double ini from bows hence their turn comes first. Or is it more complicated?
gating takes 1 turn..but using gate only takes .5 turns so, when you gate, you will move at the same time as if you had waited .. your gated stack will appear at the time you would have moved had you defended
camp in corner setup, it very disadvantage when battle with range type Caravan.

this is very true, but counter-intuitively it is the best setup against elf-type caravan -- this is largely because they rarely have strong ranged units but equally because they always have sprites and faeries which can reach you anywhere but in the corner :) here is perfect example - here is perfect example: https://www.lordswm.com/warlog.php?warid=490605446&lt=-1

it's worth saying that if just one enemy stack gets morale, tis best not to gate with your cerbs but to engage with them..for initial hit plus retal damage.

this won't hold true if the main strength of your army is your cerbs.. i only carry 28 to ambush..

also, i've found at level 11 - basic defence and vitality are better than offence talents (eg cold blade and basic luck) - the exception being for wizard caravans - again this only holds true if you use spawns and incends and have high demon faction for good gating - this isn't true at level 10 because you would have to sacrifice 3 offence talents for 2 defence ones
this won't hold true if the main strength of your army is your cerbs..

actully maybe it would, cause it increases your retal damage .. definitely worth a try anyway
I just done thieving with camp in corner setup, with elf caravan :)

Can anyone give tips or input for that battle, maybe the troop setup or tactics to improve my thieving?
Cause at that battle i'm using steel set so i can win easily, in the future i want to use min AP to do thieving.
talents for level 10 demon?Is pure might better than mass rapid build?
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