This tournmet is use to have tier 1 upgrade to third level
so you can make ur ablitys of ur one!! but notis that you can make only 4 ablitys and no more that 10 of all primy pramers fo all creture sure, that someone that thinks they could have 10 pramarters all but , here is not!!! this is the table
ab stands for ablitys pm stands for primey pramer
1 ab= 10 pm
2 ab = 9 pm
3 ab= 5 pm
4 ab= 3 pm
as the following table make ur troops with a new ame too!!!
my hobgob upgraded to
suprame blainder
ab: blinding briilances, no ranged plenty, shooters
supream blinder pm is:
5 hitpoints
5-5 dmg
5 att
5 def
5 shot
5 intative
if i fogot any thing plz fix me for 5 pm that i missed all
(this tournmet can join to lv 2 - 14 x3 exp ) |