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AuthorSecond Minor Tournament
thnx.... but for a DE, how do u win against magicians... they have enchanted gargs which are immune to all the magical powers... and if u go all might then they have too much defense....
use magic arrow on gargs
that is just too weak.... no good.... magician will use lightening which is much more powerful and will kill u before u can finish him... :(
this tourney is incredible, less survival - more pvp !
Then hope you don't fight wizards :)
Woah - 20 min ap? I don't think I'll be joining this - but my multi certainly will :)
its rly annoying to loose only to wizards. we will see only them in top ranks imo, and mayby some barbs...
So far, I've crushed all barbs, knights, necros, and DE's I've faced.
Haven't met a demon or elf.

Being crushed by all wizards.
Wow, look at kira's log.


16-0 so far...
he has lightening damage of 250+ that is crazy man!!!!!
lol my friend is barb and he owned a wizzard easily look at that fight.
his name is muscles
i can kill wizzard but no de :-(
Participants level: 12
Challenge type: Duel
Equipment limitations: Standard (30 minimum AP, shop artifacts only)
Battle count: 20 (20) Points: 15
Dropout condition: 10 defeats (5)
Experience and skill points: x2.5
Participants: Next application admission term is from 17:00 till 17:10
kira got 20 on 20....
for T1000:
O_O death note?
magicians are very tough to beat after all... their gargs are immune to almost all strong magic
very hard for playes on lvl 9 / 11 gainst players with diamond upgrades, especially vamp counts:/
I've played few games against wizards in minor tournament, and found this funny :D Magic DE can (at least on this level) beat magic-Wizard. Max minotaurs last as long as gargoyles, but they too do much more damage. 5x Empowered magic arrow kills nearly all gargoyles, while lizards and poisoners deal against golems and magis. DE can use delay to slow down gargoyles, while Wizards don't do anything with their Nature Magic. Don't call DE-magicians poor, they're very mighty in their own way :S
may be at level 7 this is true.... but at level 9 its not possible to do the same.... magicians are just too much....
I am a DE and do U know if U get more points that the other DE players you get some profits....
Battle count: 20 (20) Points: 16
Dropout condition: 10 defeats (4)

All loses from wizards, got too much them ;(
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