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Authorall players are free to play
some players plays everyday
some plays once a week
some ......
so it is so interesting that more and more players join this game
lets introduce lords of war and money to more friends
And to make this fit into creative works, andrew2012, why not suggest for us some creative ways to introduce LWM to our friends? Or total strangers for that matter.
Give out flyers:D
Buy a plane that flys over Europe with a flyer *PLAY LORDSWM.COM ITS FREE TO PLAY,TRY IT OUT RIGHT NOW!*

:=) haha

-get a megaphone, then walk down the street at rush hour extolling the virtues of LWM!

-hide behind a bush with a cardboard crossbow and the jump out at an unsuspecting group and yell AMBUSH! then give everyone a flyer. if you use a real crossbow the cops might just shoot you so be careful

-wait at the door of internet cafes and hand out fliers.

-email random addresses and insist they use your referral ID or they will get bad luck for ten years...

...more please...
-print flyers for LWM and slip them inside every copy of HOMM that you find in your local game stores, and any other turn based strategy game you find XP...
Not really. Miss the good old times when we have 1500+ online at peaks and 20+ in chat -.-
Let's make a Facebook-group. Group with +1000 people would maybe attract people outside of this game. And really, it would spread. People use to join all kind of groups just because their cousin's friend's sister is in them, so... :D
we should get a bunch of spray paint and write on the side of wal-mart "go to lorwdswm.com or we will kil lyou.we know you but you do not know us.sincerely tyler mclovin"
I agree with penguin actually I was gonna suggest that :P but you beat me to it
I agree with penguin . Plus, theres a person is Facebook called lordswm.

- Make TV commercials and put in things like "..very fun.So fun that everyone is playing it" and "you will get 10 diamonds if u sign up this week only" but u dont get those things :-)
-hide behind a bush with a cardboard crossbow and the jump out at an unsuspecting group and yell AMBUSH! then give everyone a flyer. if you use a real crossbow the cops might just shoot you so be careful

hahahahaha yes yes yes!!!
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