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AuthorNew Three Word Story :P
Jiang_Wei made three of these threads recently...but I have seen some a long time ago as well by various other characters...

I'm making this because Jiang_Wei wants people to stick to a topic...and he keeps closing them...

My Rules:
-3 words only...no more...no less
-no saying "The End"
-No posting twice in a row

Everyone can play :D

I'll start:

This tale begins
with a strange
and unorthodox creature
Eating Jiang_Wei whole
The cratures name
was Joe. He
liked eating elves
because they tasted
like peppermint patties
and eat Tainted_Wulf
[Post deleted by moderator DragonFlayer // ]
But _-TaintedWulf-_ escaped
because they tasted
only to be
Like rotten eggs
Sorry for double post. I was continuing from post #11..can any mods delete my post?
Not necessary anymore..thanks anyway

and also like
ok i am continuing from "only to be"

rescued by a
Demon called MrPotato
and his sidekick
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