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hey in MG do difficulty lvl depends on combat lvl of player or are same for everyone......coz i once played the vanguard one in MG and it was very difficult and i lost badly.....but wen i was just seeing the MG FAQ .....in dat wen d player played wid his lvl 3 barb it was very easy.......is it true dat difficulty of MG depends of combat lvl of a player?
no every time you succesfully beat a type of MG quest its difficulty increases so that if you defeat the same vangaurd thrice starting from{0} it goes to {3} the fourth time you attempt it... it has nothing to do with hero level what so ever

if you need more info go here

Lvl3 barb can easily beat vanguard wizard
so frndz i hv got a vanguard of elves {0}.....will it be easy?



It should be possible to succeed.
(and buy recruits. If they are weak fighters, they let you have more swords and bows)
I just saw the fight... Well, you know why you lost, I guess.
You should have protected gargs with swords, not those stupid farmers.
And griffs could have wiped druids instead.
Yes, he just played like a noob.
He should do 3 stacks of swordmen to protect gargs and with griffin he played at start good, but after killing elite forest keepers he should go to kill druids and swordmen would easily kill faeries and unicorns.
for PetitEtMechant
i dont hv enough gold to buy recruits and i always won against my enemies wid dis technique so i thought y to chng wen i can win and i ll do dat in future...

To Juran
dont abuse by saying me noob.....noob means newbie and i m klvl 5 so i m not a noob.....dont use dis word for abusing
sorry to say it, but, you are a noob, though I have to say, if I change to race to lets say necromancer, then I might do some nooby actions too because I'm not aware of the dmg given/taken, though after a while when I've learnt the new faction to play I will possibly not do such nooby actions :)

noob --> newbie, newbie is one who make fatal mistakes, because they do not have the experience in the specific battle :) so don't feel so offended by it
cmon yaar shut up........i didnt know all d tactics....i m not of ur lvl u must remember....it is very esy to say wid high lvl but difficult to play wid low lvls.....
closed by MacroFlighter (2010-06-08 13:37:39)
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