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AuthorPick Phantom Square
Everyone who uses summon phantom should know that the summoned phantom appears to the left of the unit that it is a phantom of. This can lead to problems when a.) the original unit is blocking the path of the phantom or b.) the phantom blocks the original unit's path.

I think it would be useful if you could choose which square around the original unit the phantom appeared on. It would work the same way as picking which square to attack from. Pretty simple imo...

What do you think? (specifically players who use this spell please)
i don't see why not, +1
Do demons get to choose which tile there demons are gated from? if so +1
If somebody decides to step on the tiles of course
great idea,phantom could be used to block stacks from attacking and more with that..

+1 from me
ok +1

For sure needed. (It would be even better if it is like gating, anywhere on the field! lmao)

(Im cant use this in later lvl as a knight) but for the others its good :)

Really? the summoned phantom appears to the left of the unit that it is a phantom of? I also thought that you could choose already :P
Anyway, +1.
for ChooJeremy:
You can effectivly by manipulating the system...Place a unit to its left and it appears in front :)

But +1
+1, but since a phantom involves a specific unit being casted upon, my idea would be that the spell can make a Phantom on an adjacent tile from the original unit.

Just to show specification and uniqueness since this is a spell and not gating :)
great idea
it depend on strategy that u use

But there also has to be a chance of failing to call a phantom too if we were talking about gating...


The fail of gating only happens, when you don't have enough units to gate a single creature. Why should it be applied to phantoms?
Oh, a stupid question, if there's a firewall on left side of unit and you use phantom on it, will phantom instantly die (since firewall causes elemental damage) o.o? And where does phantom go if the left side is blocked by rock/unit?
up i do believe
for Penguinmaniac:
for diversecity:
read 10

phantom armee is strong enough
by gating you have a wait for each unit you do and the gating unit has a bigger delay to get on field and have to wait another turn to take action and its only a part of the original

so place anywhere is too strong
but its also unbalanced if you can choose which tile you pick around the original because you have much more advantage
and summon phantom is already a very strong spell for each attace-player

the only way i think is to create a special talent for it
for MasterTI:
that's what i said, it goes up from the unit if left is blocked...i just didn't know what happens if there is fire to the left...
for Serpenta:
Gating is free, but summon phantom requires mana. Not just 5, or 10, or even 15. It's 18!
To add on, phantoms die upon 1 hit (maximum lasting of 3 hits, 5 for ghosts, and that's if the player is extremely lucky). Meanwhile, gated units can last as long as their health and amount of creatures allowed, which isn't a small number.
Summon phantom is easily killable by a magic attack. One magic arrow, or even just 3 normally weak hero attack can kill a say, 149 stack of Skeletal bowmen.
Meanwhile, casting one magic arrow certainly won't kill many gated units, except for those in which you only has 1/2, and that is for taking retailation and could be killed easily anyway.
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