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Authorthis game is great!
i am one, and all high lvls too, trust me.
I think this game is great ...
1. Full of strategy :)
2. Even though it is a real time game, no need to sacrifice your real life to do well here.
3. You need to compete with players of your combat lvl only.

... except for 2 things-
1. If you want to be a thief, you have to enroll for months, or maybe a year if starting now , with lots of limitations ...
2. No special events(I like this because I don't like to buy expensive arts before buying TGI)

for vishnus:

There are special events at Christmas, New Year's and the Server's Anniversary (May 1st). The Christmas & New Year Events are especially fun. :-)

I also love this game. I've been playing on this server for almost 2 years now but I started playing on the Russian Server (http://www.heroeswm.ru/) about 3 months ago and have already reached Combat Level 8.

The Russian Server has a much more extensive adventure map with many more areas, more creature types to hunt, more quests and at this time, they are having a 'glorious' war with the Kingdom to the south and the Dwarves & Gnomes. You have to be Combat Level 5 to participate in the war but you get loads of experience and Faction Points for every battle, win or lose.

If you don't speak, read or write Russian, you can get along very well using the Google Chrome Browser, which automatically translates (almost) everything from Russian to English. And using Babel Fish helps in translating chat entries into English too.

On this server, I was lucky enough to become a Thief before the 'powers-that-be' changed the TGI rules. It used to be you could rent a TGI and return it when you reached Thief Level 2, but no more.

The 'powers-that-be' changed it so no one can get their Thief Invitation awarded until they reach Thief Level 5; and not only that, but they made it against game rules to even rent out Thief Invitations. All because they want players to spend $80 on Diamonds to enter the Thief Guild. I wonder how that's working for them ... not to well I'll bet. Who has $80 to spend on becoming a Thief? Not too many people. :-D
There are special events at Christmas, New Year's and the Server's Anniversary (May 1st). The Christmas & New Year Events are especially fun. :-)
Yup.I know. But I think 2nd anniversay should be excluded since it was full of stucks and problems.Only Mixed tourn with no durability loss was useful.
Thanks for your invitation to Russian server. But I don't want the start there also.By the way can you kindly tell me the price of TGI there..
2nd anniversay should be excluded
Why? It was awesome, 45 fsp for free !
what is the point of this topic? any way cheers to this game i simply love it
a810k the cheapest TGI currently
for vishnus:
... Thanks for your invitation to Russian server. But I don't want the start there also.By the way can you kindly tell me the price of TGI there.

Actually, starting over was soooooooo FUN! And still is. :-) Anyway, the price of a TGI over at the Russian Server runs about the same as it is here (800,000-900,000 gold) or 80 Diamonds.
love this game! just wish it was easier to get a tgi but it gives me a goal to reach! go LOWM!!!!
people, if you think this game is the best, please advertise it to your collegues, fellow students and friends. The more people play it-the more interesting the game will be and .ru version is a good example of it.
best webgame ever
yeah, best webgame ever. :)
For a browser game it's very well made. We can't blame the admins for being gone... there is not enough of an international userbase to warrant their attention. In fact, we should appreciate the fact that they are keeping it running for us who actually enjoy it.

Here's to the admins :D
I cant find a better online web browser game

Here's to the admins :D
chess is one step behind this game, though i like chess better
Yes.No fantasy and variety.
1.Full of strategy :)
2.Eventhough it is a real time game, no need to sacrifice your real life to do well here.

Agree with post #18 on the above points but disagree with his or her next point:

2.No special events(I like this bcause I don't like to buy expensive arts before buying TGI)

Come on, it is good to have something nice to commerate these days (i.e Christmas or anniversary) and add on to the fun. Having no special items, in my view, is like having no presents during christmas and anniverary is just like any other day.

*I wish my wand can still summon elementals on christmas but it can't.... <.<
Just added, sorry for the above comment, it seems I misunderstood him on that " no special events" part.

Like I mentioned, Christmas and anniverary are the special events. Perhaps, u have just joined and do not get the chance to participate in them??
one good thing about this game is that there's more than one game inside LWM

this game gets monotonous when u reach higher level which makes me stops playing the main game a year ago

however until now i still occasionally play the two towers game for fun, and at the same time im still able to surf other websites
this game gets monotonous when u reach higher level which makes me stops playing the main game a year ago
omg!! LMAO

Young grasshopper, u're still a level 5!!!
a dedicated gamer could reach that in under a weak LOL
i won't even comment on the rest of your post XD
05-11-08 06:41: Registered. Faction: Necromancer.

There are some aspects that I don't like, but I know others like them. There are also some functions that I think needs to be improved, but those doesn't really concern me. :P

Overall, totally good game.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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