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AuthorDwarf Wars

What happens in the Dwarf Wars then? What's it all about? When do we get to kick some dwarvish butt?
We are waiting for it since december if I remember well.

If it's going on as on .ru (wich may not be the case), we would get invaded by dwarves, and indeed would have to kick some dwarves out controled by AI, or even some players playing as mercenaries; if we're doing good, we may win, else, dwarves may win the war, such as what happened on .ru.

There are also some more things; such as some unique sets given to those who did well during the war (such as a specified % of successful fights, or X amount of victory).
All dwarfs that appear on this server had been killed within seconds. No need to talk about it here. If you want to talk about the rusian server talk about it somewhere else.
Topic moved from "General game forum" to "Queries and help".
if you want to discuss something about the russian server which is not here try this thread

dwarf wars as we know them are basically a military clan event which is yet to come here
So, what actually happens when the dwarf war is initiated?

Is the lighthouse/pier part of the dwarf war or is that something different? If so, what are they for?

I'm not sure why people are saying 'don't talk about the russian server', as it's relevant to this thread if answering the question means referring to a similar event that's happened on that server...
when will dwarf wars start
The arrival of dwarf wars on this server is not decided yet the time is yet to be fixed so be patient
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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