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Authormg quest to hard...
in the link below there is a mg quest i cant bielieve the AI would be this stupid can u help plz i want my rep back
sorry for double post can a mod move this to ideas and sugestions ,when ur doing dsame type of mg quest can u controle the creature ur protecting
just stack creatures around the shrews, so that they cant move. only way.
You need to "box" the shrew stack. Put your troops around it so it can't move.
You may want to let them lose once the opponent stack have moved forward.
very old problem, exists as long as mg exists :) lost few of mine this way, you really only need to box the shrews. works on gargoyles too, tho they can fly - obviously
i know but gargs have more of a mind they dnt go forward...
but anyway u think u controle the guy ya protecting a good idea?
would be perfect, but that is a) an IaS topic b) a very old and bearded IaS topic :))
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