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Authorclan approval bug? or admins are one big bug? server future?
aproved last clan was aproved 06-21-10 18:11: The "Arcomages Training Grounds" clan has been founded by Sven91

i made application in a half of may, and i have no status, but admins created Sven91's clan, so WTF? they r busy (as always, ru is the game not com) i can understand much things that .com isnt in admins head as future of this game but if they apply a clan, then why dont they apply all clans in one moment? maybe there is some connections for some players like better treat?

every day i log in and look at clans approval and nothing....naturally i dont belive i will find any update, RU is fun COM is DEAD, only blocking and giving penalty for players, they want Us to resign? then maybe they should just make a news that com is dead
dont erase this message cause there should be a discussion, something is wrong since many months
ok bye then
only blocking and giving penalty for players

Actually on .ru, in most cases the noticed cheaters get banned.
As you can see, most of those threads were made yesterday or few days before.
If we make a thread about a cheater, it will be forgotten.. (in most cases.., and on .ru there are about 15x more players than on this server ;))

Some people say: ''Be patient, we get updates soon''. Waiting doesn't cause problem, but when we compare their CaA-forum to ours, you see a kind of ... difference.

And I posted this phrase on a ''townhall meeting?''-discussion topic, but it somehow makes me (and perhaps some of you) laugh so i had to post it on this topic too :)

''"Lords of War and Money"
appeared in May 2008. It is an non-commercial project, it is a free online service from gamers, for gamers.''

yep, be patient we get updates soon, the same words from almost start of server, and what we got? rly looking at ru server with this age is nothing, now banning top players, totaly no info and no admins at server
we need to make it clear, there will be no updates like in ru, they got story plus many attractions, we? we get "sluty" story and tons of update without any fun like wars etc

if there is no future, then i will not continue my game here, its great game, but its like car without driver, admins cant even respond for our "hope questions" in townhall meeting? cmon

and posts like icordngl heh yep this game is ur life and u have nothing else to do, if u have nothing to say then just sit in silence in your "panic room"
its totaly possible admins dont aprove every clan automaticaly now like they did in past. Personaly i wouldnt be suprised. Many of new clans are used for ilegal transfers hidden behind "clan donations". I noticed atleast 20 clan leaders and treasurers geting blocked in past 2 months and admins didnt checked all of these "clan bussinesses". its clear for me they can prevent many of such cases simply by rejecting most clan aprovals.
but there is no status at all, i would understand it when it would be rejected or something, but there is no status at all
and posts like icordngl heh yep this game is ur life and u have nothing else to do, if u have nothing to say then just sit in silence in your "panic room"

I'm not the one getting all worked up about a clan application or something trivial, and what's to say that sven didn't send his clan application in even before you sent yours in
heh yep this game is ur life and u have nothing else to do

aha wow dziadu, you shouldnt be talking you have done 9635 combats, id say the average battle lasts around 6 or 7 min, with all the complex math involed, you have spent 40+ days in combat, plus the 100+ tavern card games that you have played, if anyone has no life here, its you, you shouldnt be saying that kinda stuff to other people, its pretty rude
for gabe8:

He works in security this game is not his life , its his work :) and as far as i know most of the people play browser games from offices and computers in work , time just runs faster when you do so :)
now banning top players,
Maybe this is our last update. After reaching lvl 14 you will get banned :)
If someone thinks this "discussion" is going somewhere, he/she can argue with me.

But since real discussions are not opened this way, we have learned these things:
1."Admins are bad, ok?"
2.Dziadu and Corndog dont like each other.
3.People work in an office or something.

I could have missed something but since we already know most of this/ dont care I will lock this.(flood, flame, discussing admins decisions, you pick)

Q&H is not used for general discussion anyway.
closed by Omega22 (2010-07-03 13:53:51)
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