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Ninja Faction 2.7

AuthorNinja Faction 2.7

- Fixed the formula for Racial Ability
- Replaced the names of the abilities of some units
- Replaced the names of some units

And soon, Alt Upgrades.

Class: Ninja


People who work, often in groups, to their community secretly. Using black clothes, armor, using weapons, using his great agility to perform missions such as murder and escort. But not all nations can live in harmony. This ninja faction is a combination of attack and agility.


Level 1 – Kama Warrior > Bojutsu Master
Level 1 – Shadow Assassin > Shadow Executor
Level 3 – Shuriken Thrower > Weapon Thrower
Level 5 – Mystic Dragon > Enigmatic Dragon
Level 8 – Snake Assassin > Black Anaconda
Level 11 – Shinobi
Level 14 – Shenhasai

Castle: PALACE


Kama School > Bojutsu School
Shadow academy > Shadow Brotherhood
Tengu Statue
Weapon Dojo > Weapon Field
Warehouse > Underground Depot
Mystic cave > Mysterious Dungeon
Magic Guild Level 1
Snake Guild > Snake Tower
Magic Guild Level 2
Magic Guild Level 3
Master’s House
Altar of the Masters

Racial ability

This ability allows to Ninja to dodge enemy attacks, having a percentage of it. The attack applies both to melee attacks or range attacks, but cannot dodge magic attacks.
Dodge rate: 5% + 3% * (Defense [Hero] + Ninja faction Skill)


Tier 1

Kama Warrior

Attack: 3
Defense: 2
Damage: 1-3
HP: 8
Speed: 6
Iniciative: 9
Shots: -
No abilities

Tier 1 Upgrade

Bojutsu Master

Attack: 5
Defense: 2
Damage: 4-7
HP: 15
Speed: 7
Iniciative: 10
Shots: -
Abilities: Double Strike.

Tier 2

Shadow Assassin

Attack: 3
Defense: 2
Damage: 3-4
HP: 10
Speed: 6
Iniciative: 8
Shots: -
Mana: 12
Abilities: Strike and return. Shadow decoy.

Tier 2 Upgrade

Shadow Executor

Attack: 4
Defense: 3
Damage: 4-5
HP: 15
Speed: 8
Iniciative: 8
Shots: -
Mana: 15
Abilities: Rage. Cancel fire. Psycho chain.

Tier 3

Shuriken Thrower

Attack: 4
Defense: 2
Damage: 4-6
HP: 11
Speed: 5
Iniciative: 9
Shots: 8
Mana: 10
Abilities: Boost. Shooter.

Tier 3 Upgrade

Weapon Thrower

Attack: 5
Defense: 5
Damage: 2-7
HP: 28
Speed: 8
Iniciative: 9
Shots: 12
Abilities: Multithrow. Shooter.

Tier 4

Mystic dragon

Attack: 8
Defense: 6
Damage: 4-11
HP: 48
Speed: 5
Iniciative: 6
Shots: 3
Abilities: Large creature. Mystic Breath. Flyer.

Tier 4 Upgrade

Enigmatic Dragon

Attack: 11
Defense: 6
Damage: 6-8
HP: 56
Speed: 5
Iniciative: 6
Shots: -
Abilities: Large creature. Flyer. Enigmatic dance. Random Attack.

Tier 5

Snake Assassin

Attack: 14
Defense: 10
Damage: 12-14
HP: 62
Speed: 7
Iniciative: 9
Shots: -
Mana: 25
Abilities: Snake Attack. Poison. No retaliation.

Tier 5 Upgrade

Black Anaconda

Attack: 17
Defense: 16
Damage: 12-14
HP: 85
Speed: 7
Iniciative: 9.5
Shots: -
Mana: 40
Abilities: Anaconda Attack. Poison. No retaliation.

Tier 6


Attack: 22
Defense: 19
Damage: 16-20
HP: 100
Speed: 8
Iniciative: 11
Shots: -
Mana: 20
Abilities: Rage. Unlimited retaliation.

Tier 7


Attack: 29
Defense: 23
Damage: 20-35
HP: 158
Speed: 8
Iniciative: 11.5
Shots: -
Mana: 30
Abilities: Protect. Ninja beam. Large creature.


Shadow decoy – He creates a like phantom that has the same level and hold only 1 turn.

Psycho chain – It makes a chain with the Mana that affects 5 enemies at your choice.

Boost – He just boost an attack to deal 50% more damage in the next turn.

Multithrow – He does 4 random shots but damage reduces by half (it doesn’t affect your friendly creatures) (it doesn’t affect the same creature)

Mystic Breath – Does a breath damaging everybody in a cone-shape in front of him.

Dragon Dance – The dragon dance increasing his Attack, Defense and lower its s
Dragon Dance – The dragon dance increasing his Attack, Defense and lower its speed and holds 3 turns.

Random Attack – He make a flame attack dealing 40% more Damage on a random stack. That’s why he is an enigmatic dragon, you don’t know where he gonna to Attack.

Snake Attack – A snake attack in your front row tiles, and make poison of it.
*Anaconda Attack – Larger Attack.

Protect – If a unit adjacent ally is attacked, the Shenhasai receives 50% of points of damage taken by transforming it into only 30% of damage.
Example: A warrior gets 100 Kama damage. Shenhasai receives 50 damage and turns 50 damage to 30 damage to itself.

Ninja Beam – A large beam that affects his 3 front tiles and does more damage to the first units in front of it.
I like the idea, but arent the tier 1 + tier 2 units overpowered for their tiers? I mean like one has 12 mana and 3-4 damage the other (tier 1) deals 1-3!
the bojutsu master is WAY TOO OVERPOWERED. it has the capabilities of a mino soldier - damage 4-7, AND double strike.

also, aren't ninjas quick and speedy? these creatures have low initiative, and around level 5-7 would be very slow compared to other factions.
Also, the dodge rate: i believe with it you can become invincible against knights and barbs, who have no damaging magic. take faction skill 7 and hero's defense 25, dodge rate becomes 101%, that is dodge every attack. then how do you do damage??
also, aren't ninjas quick and speedy? these creatures have low initiative, and around level 5-7 would be very slow compared to other factions.

The ninja must keep hoping, to the point that the enemy to make your first move.

i believe with it you can become invincible against knights and barbs, who have no damaging magic. take faction skill 7 and hero's defense 25, dodge rate becomes 101%, that is dodge every attack.

Man, you miscalculated.
5% + 3% * (7 + 25)
5% + 3% * 32
5$ + 33.73

the bojutsu master is WAY TOO OVERPOWERED. it has the capabilities of a mino soldier - damage 4-7, AND double strike.

Man,you're not looking at the faction as a whole, you looked only for the damage and ability.If you look the other upgrades, you'll see it has the lowest defense, and is the ONLY throughout the faction that has no mana.

but arent the tier 1 + tier 2 units overpowered for their tiers?

I have not yet determined the number of stacks.

Next week v 3.0
closed by doominator (2010-08-18 01:39:07)
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