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Author | Two simple suggestions to deal with the whole Thief debate. |
There are obviously a lot of issues for people around thieves in the game. Here are two very simple solutions to keep everyone happy:
1) If a thief character is AFK in an ambush, they lose 1 thief point. OR if they are AFK for setup the battle does not occur and no durability is lost for the victim.
2) If the thief loses the combat, the victim gains the thieves guild point. All the advantage still lies with the ambusher, but there is a sliver of reward to motivate the victim.
If both these suggestions were implemented, I would gladly travel in full arts with a full troop roster in the hope of being ambushed :D | If both these suggestions were implemented, I would gladly travel in full arts with a full troop roster in the hope of being ambushed :D
If it is so, then there wouldn't be any thief and thieves who bought TGI for high price would have huge loss. What is the use of buying it if you can get TG points by defeating ambushers? Already achieving TG lvl5 is hard and most don't reach it. with this there would be very few or none. So very few TGI and it will destroy Thief guild just like what would happen if police guild is introduced.
So a -1. | 1. This is kind of harsh, I think. What warrants the difference between a normal battle AFK and a thief one? Should we lose 1 hunt guild point if we are AFK in hunts too? And Mercenary Guild as well? I think it should be consistent with all of them. And them if we lose 1 point in all of them, this would be quite a big penalty for just a long server lag, or power surge, or net provider melting down, etc... things which might have nothing to do with the "perpetrator" himself/herself...
2. Thief point is a measure of how skilled in thiefing one is. If you've won on defense a thief ambush, that doesn't make you skilled in thieving.
It would make more sense to have another guild, something like Escort guild, or Guardings guild or even, Police (?) guild, which would give a measure of how good one is at countering thieves, or escorting/guarding caravans...
So, sorry, I don't have a positive view on either of your 2 suggestions. | If it is so, then there wouldn't be any thief and thieves who bought TGI for high price would have huge loss. What is the use of buying it if you can get TG points by defeating ambushers? Already achieving TG lvl5 is hard and most don't reach it. with this there would be very few or none. So very few TGI and it will destroy Thief guild just like what would happen if police guild is introduced.
Wrong, because the thief has a massive advantage in choosing arts and setup. You would improve TG ranks ten times quicker as a thief than as a defender - think about it.
1. What warrants the difference between a normal battle AFK and a thief one?
The thief has set up the ambush in the 1st place, and the victim has not chosen to participate. Very big difference.
Should we lose 1 hunt guild point if we are AFK in hunts too? And Mercenary Guild as well? I think it should be consistent with all of them.
No, because those battles are against npc's.
2. Thief point is a measure of how skilled in thiefing one is. If you've won on defense a thief ambush, that doesn't make you skilled in thieving.
In game terms, it makes perfect sense, and is a whole lot less hassle than another guild. I'd say learning from your enemies mistakes makes you very skilled... | learning from your enemies mistakes makes you very skilled...
Is one thing to know the path. A different one to walk it!
If you want thief points, you should get a TGI. Don't try to avoid that by just preying on the poor thieves who are just trying to make a living...
(this last part if OFF THE RECORD -- don't tell my boss I said that!) | | -1
some1 here is just too lazy to earn enough money for TGI and wants it easy way ... | The Thief sets up an ambush not knowing if he will face a player or a caravan. Most thieves can't ambush in full arts all of the time because it's so expensive.
Travelers in full arts, however, can only expect to be ambushed. They know they'll meet a thief, or nothing at all - and in the latter case, they lose nothing.
Thief hunters have an advantage. I don't see why they should gain further advantages.
If you think your life is miserable because you've been ambushed, become a thief and see by yourself, trying to get to TG 5 to recoup invitation cost. | I don't object at all to being ambushed Kotrin - it's part of the game - but there are some issues in how it works. What I do object to is being ambushed en route to a quest, with 2 units in my roster, and having to sit around for 10 minutes while the thief is afk. That's miserable, and there is no need for the game mechanics to be set up to allow it to happen.
I'd love to become a thief myself, and recognise that it takes a patient player and a lot of effort (or cash) to become one.
some1 here is just too lazy to earn enough money for TGI and wants it easy way ...
The whole attitude to thieving is very precious here... and responses to suggestions can be equally patronising.
The suggestion about ambush winners earning TG points occasionally seems to be offensive to some... There is no way on earth anyone would reach TG5 by winning combats after being ambushed (I assume, as I'm not an experienced player) - but they might get a few points of initiative after winning a lot of pvp ambushes - not a massive deal but something anyway. | All the advantage still lies with the ambusher
Post 8 explains quite well why this is not true. Thief "victim" has the upper hand in most cases. | both these suggestions are old as world, senseless and maybe the worst i heard of being implemented about TG, especially both in one topic
Thieves' guild: 0 (0) author's experience explains everything, as well as his desire to get the free TG points for nothing. | as well as his desire to get the free TG points for nothing
Where was this suggested? Please read the post before commenting.
I'm not getting blown away with the support for my suggestions here! But the point of a suggestions topic is discussion, so be grown up and keep personal comments out of it. I'm NOT LOOKING FOR EASY TG POINTS okay.
I'm prepared to accept Omega22's and Kotrin's point that the victim can have the upper hand and that TG points are a lot harder to accumulate as a thief than warrants points for the victim. So I retract that suggestion on the basis that you guys know what you're talking about from experience.
The AFK suggestion is different and completely valid - can Hellfalcon explain exactly why this is one of the worst ideas he's heard? I guess you don't set up an ambush then go afk Hellfalcon as your MC membership precludes such activity. The suggestion that such combats don't actually happen affects no one anything other than positively. | guess you don't set up an ambush then go afk surely you don't on purpose, but there are two things which have the upper hand over your desire to win another TG point - first is irl problems, the second is internet stability. besides, there aren't crowds of thieves lurking everywhere now, like it was maybe a year ago - and surely they dwell not on the 8th level the TC is on, so if you had one or two afk battles with thieves, you should be happy of getting extra faction points and exp, not create a topic to cover thieves with mud even more.
Should we lose 1 hunt guild point if we are AFK in hunts too? especially if we come to help and go afk, or ask for help and go afk? |
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