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AuthorRussian in EU
The Europeans, would you like to see Russia in the EU?
arrange srach?
Russia will join WTO first, economy probably will colapse even more, and in 10-20 years will probably join EU. Europe needs labour especially cheap one as populations getting older there. Better ask recent EU joiners how their economy is doing so far.
but nothing to worry about? terrorism, inadequate rulers, the oligarchs.
I am sorry to inform you this but Russia joining the EU in the near future is so out of the question, it's not even on the table at this point in time. Israel has a better chance of joining the EU.

Not really sure if some of you have noticed this but EU enforces democracy and equality whereas Russia is strengthening the goverment's authority. Don't get me started on the freedom of speech or the press. There's pretty much none...
I don't think it is possible.
The difference between Russia and EU is like between server .com and .ru. On first sight everything is the same, but when you watch it closer you will find difference at each level of life.
In not so distant future, let's say 30 years time Russia will probably join.

The problem with Russia joining is that lately EU has been trying to simplify and centralize it's main branches of government. Among other things this means a united Foreign Policy when dealing with 3rd parties/countries not belonging to the EU.

Now having taken that into account, Russia's interest would so rarely overlap with EU's interests that it just wouldn't benefit them in the slightest.

Not to mention the fact, do you honestly believe that Russia will become somewhat democratic country where everyone is equal in front of the law in the next 30 years? Last time I checked EU does not approve discrimination and doesn't accept non-democratic countries as it's member states.
Now having taken that into account, Russia's interest would so rarely overlap with EU's interests that it just wouldn't benefit them in the slightest.
Huge market, cheap labour, resources, what other benefits you can think of? Another one would be lowered barriers for trade, dumping totally uncompetive market by that stage, lobing own interests in law etc.

Not to mention the fact, do you honestly believe that Russia will become somewhat democratic country where everyone is equal in front of the law in the next 30 years? Last time I checked EU does not approve discrimination and doesn't accept non-democratic countries as it's member states.

Democratic? What you mean by that a paradise? Each monopoly will lobby "proper" laws. Crime rate, well this one is easy - low living standarts very little or non-existent middle class. Discrimination based on what? No gay pubs? Please... Gender? No way. Age? Well it's everythere. Race? Hisorically mixed populations. Citizenship? There are loads of illegal aliens , no problem with that. Another thing would be non existent policies, government does not give a dime about anything but resources and keeping a good image in the media. Any country has it's problems.

I really didn't want to bring up this last reason why Russia will never ever join the EU but you forced my hand. Every memeber of the EU has to approve the new member, I am sure at least on of the Baltic countries will put a veto on Russia joining. That's just the way it is.

All of the economic reasons why Russia should join that you provided actually make a lot of sense and in a perfect world they probably would be allowed to join.
I see your point there, what I was trying to say joing EU might not be as benefitial as it might seems. Good examples are Germany and France to some extend and some of Eastern European countries. Norway and Switzerland ain't joining for some reason, are they?
I dont think Russia(or Russians for that sake) would even want to join EU. Would they?
That is correct. Norway has held two referendums and both times it was basically fifty-fifty with a slight majority opposing. I do believe they are pondering about holding a third referendum some time in the future.

As for Switzerland they have historically been neutral and will remain so in the foreseeable future. They both have at least joined the Schengen Visa regime to make travel easier for the people.

It's true what they say the without Germany the farmers in France would have gone bankrupt a long time ago. The biggest success story of EU is probably Ireland. Hopefully other countries can emulate and adapt their success.
Also, right now, EU has other problems that are trembling its very foundation, not to think about Turkey, Russia or whatever country that would like to join.
The biggest success story of EU is probably Ireland.
US $ is the culprit here, as some time ago they were choosing a country in Europe to make investments. To my knowledge the choice was made from two countries Chech republic and Ireland, and last one was choosen due lack of language barrier and other factors like Irish luck I guess :)
That is correct. Norway has held two referendums and both times it was basically fifty-fifty with a slight majority opposing. I do believe they are pondering about holding a third referendum some time in the future.
Norway has stable economy, most of the highest standarts of living in the world, do they really want to join? The disadvantages might be sharing profits or subsidising economies doing not so well.
I will say so .... I live in Ukraine .... prosholom in the USSR and even now when Ukraine became independent Russia constantly sticks his nose to nam.Eto because the mentality in Russia so they want to see everywhere is that they navyazuyut .. and breathtaking backdrop calm down when someone decides that he himself without their knowledge.

So with Russia should be kept farther away not allow them to meddle in the internal affairs of its gosudarstva
I hope Russia never be in EU (and Turkey too)
I will say so .... I live in Ukraine .... prosholom in the USSR and even now when Ukraine became independent Russia constantly sticks his nose to nam.Eto because the mentality in Russia so they want to see everywhere is that they navyazuyut .. and breathtaking backdrop calm down when someone decides that he himself without their knowledge.

Not so sure what you were trying to say here, you mean turning off gas :p
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