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AuthorNew Guild
Guild name: Rebel Hunting guild

Location: Seraphs Tears
IN the Guild you get Missions to hunt down rebels and renegades.

You get guild points this way:1000 Rebels killed = 5 points
10 renegades = 1 point

1 hour Rebel hunt: Players get 1 hour to hunt down as many rebels as possible in a battle similar to survival Tournements. IN the Battle rebels get +5 initiative.
Scores are 1 point per 100 rebels
the player with the highest score gets 50 guild points

1v1 challenge: The competing player gets to chose 1 of his troops for battle. then REbels and Renegades will come 1 by one into battle against your 1 creature.
Your creature gets +10 in all stats
Scores: 1min = 10 points

Guild Rewards:
1 point = 50 gold
10 points = 1 of every recource
25 points = 1 random element
50 Points = Lesser Empire Medalion (+1 Attk +5% init +3 Moral Duribility : 150/150)
100 points = Greater Empire Medallion (+3attk +7% init +5 Moral +2 Defence Duribility: 500/500)
150 Points Army Healer (When at Seraphs Tears army renegents 35% faster)
200 points Elite army Healer (army regenarates 40% faster anywhere)
300 points Empire Sword (+15 attk -2 defence +3 Moral Duribility: 300/300)
Forgot to post the Award for 1v1 challenge:
1rst place 20 guild points and 10000 gold
2nd place 10 guild points and 5000 gold
3rd place: 5 Guild points and 1000 gold
The Guild Rewards are too overpowered or the points needed to get them are too low! :D

Good Idea and Work tho! :)
i like it very much

a huge +111111111111
ALL WILL BE $ $RICH $ $ ..... the awards are too _________ !
amazing idea! but rewards are too good
nice idea! but rewards are too good
Ok ive changed the point giving:
10000 rebels = 1 point
100 renegades = 1 point

hope this isnt too hard now lol..
Yeah thats better.

30000000 Rebel kills needed for the ultimate blade.
Oops I mean

the medals give too much morale
amazing idea! but rewards are too good

quote: 1v1 challenge: The competing player gets to chose 1 of his troops for battle. then REbels and Renegades will come 1 by one into battle against your 1 creature.
Your creature gets +10 in all stats
Scores: 1min = 10 points

how can you have a turn based game give you points based on time??
Your idea never be real))
Close that topic.
good yaar
The rewards mainly have MORALE, so then what about Necromancers?
It's great creativity. Nice work.
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