this topic is for the players who left the game for various reasons like no update,boring without anything new etc....
post the links of the players guys... lets see wheather admins are taking any actions on seeing this.....
They've been caught, tortured and brain-washed by the dwarves. Now they are affraid to go outside. They stay only indoors, they've got no motivation, no stamina, and they look like vegetables...
Sometimes, I wonder.... since the admins leave the game for so long, why can't we have a share of some of their equipments or wealth? :P
The equipments look so wasted over there.
It is like putting an armor on a scarecrow in an abandoned farm.
It is like putting an armor on a scarecrow in an abandoned farm.
:D And then growing very very healthy crops just out of sight of the scarecrow, where the birds (<cough> script users <cough>) can get to it and pillage the entire harvest...