Author | Admins are fat pig |
I dont want say englis/ because it is stupid/
UgpaJI Ha RU cepBepe, peLLIUJI 3apegaTbcR Ha eTom, gymaJI, 4To TyT, 4To-To nogobHoe, a oka3aJIcR noJIHbIu bpeg. no4emy? [Player banned by moderator Omega22 until 2011-07-14 18:59:42 // Oops, well: Using a multi to avoid BAN, non-english, flood, insulting mods and admins, spreading SHL] |
+ [Player banned by moderator Omega22 until 2010-12-16 19:00:41 // Flood, same as your other characters.] |
[Post deleted by moderator Omega22 // ] |
umm you guyz are so dead !!!! [Player banned by moderator Omega22 until 2010-10-17 19:02:29 // Excessive flood, death threats or something..] |
maybe you are right but this is on wrong place. |
=.= I think I can see something in the horizon...yeah definitely i can see something...what is it...oh! it's a ban! |
for lik:
xDDD |
apparently it was closer than i thought... |
I wont delete the thread if someone complains about the lenght of BANs or something. Have a nice day everyone and enjoy. I hope we wont spend all night here doing this.:-) |
closed by Omega22 (2010-09-17 23:05:50) |