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Author#468 World Of Light And Shadow
Welcome to sniperwood
~~~ The goal of our clan:-

*Is bring light and darkness together, and
*To make lordswm a better place with clean, honest players.
*To make lordswm a happier place and a gaming world for people to enjoy.

Good Reasons:
~~~To promote friendliness between all people.~~~
~~~To break down all negative emotions such as jealousy,envy,anger etc.~~~
~~~To be friendly with all people no matter their level~~~

~~~ Joining Requirements:

* You must be level 5 or higher;
* You must agree to follow all rules of the clan as outlined below;
* Be an active player

And don't forget to have fun :)

~~~ Membership Cost:

World Of Light And Shadow membership cost 1000 gold. The 1000 gold must be transferred to Leader from now on due to rules change in the game. New rules are now written by Arctic

To register, transfer membership fee to any of our recruiters with "World Of Light And Shadow Membership". You will then receive an invition to our clan whenever our recruiters are on.
The invite will appear in the bottom right corner of your character page.
Contact me for joining.
Contact me now for entrance to clan^^
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