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AuthorAuction 20-50 TGIs
Players can join TG if they pay 80 eurs = 80 diamons=200,000 gold.
So i think the real value of TGI should be 500,000 - 1000,000 gold.
Emprice should auction 15-30 TGIs so that the price of TGI decreases.
He he, a resellers dream to stock some, nothing good for players that want to acquire a TGI in the long run.
Yeah, they would be brought probably by players that are already thieves, unless you prevent them from joining the auction.

However, while you're suggestion might receive good feedback from all of those who have similar desires as yours (getting a cheaper TGI), it is against all interests of the admins.
i think we should have a lottery, just like on ru. there were tgi prizes too
4#- https://www.lordswm.com/forum_messages.php?tid=1832843
Only if players who did not enter tg can buy it...
Better yet, TG direct entry instead of the TGI.
Players can join TG if they pay 80 eurs = 80 diamons=200,000 gold.
So i think the real value of TGI should be 500,000 - 1000,000 gold.
Emprice should auction 15-30 TGIs so that the price of TGI decreases.

is it for you to stock up TGI and then cut the community's throat again?

Last time I did check diamonds are worth 15,000 gold - therefore the real price is 1,200,000 milllion. Last time I did check the TGI on the market where cheaper than this.
#9 is correct

Just buy one with Euros...server costs money to host. Consider it your "one time donation" to server if you are tight about releasing money :)
Players can join TG if they pay 80 eurs = 80 diamons=200,000 gold.
So i think the real value of TGI should be 500,000 - 1000,000 gold.
Emprice should auction 15-30 TGIs so that the price of TGI decreases.

And I'm SURE you started this suggestion coz you are genuinely interested in bringing the price of TGIs down for those who can't afford to buy one, right?

And I'm SURE, if there really is an auction, you won't bid on the auction and try to get one (or more) for yourself to make a tidy profit, right?

Come on, stop trying to pull a fast one on us. I'm trying really hard not to *** You already have ****. If I start on you, I'm afraid ****

Sigh... *shakes head and walk away*
Walks in the same direction as Jedi-knight.
@ 5 : Dreaming of the Dwarvens .. :)
Aye to Jedi-Knight.
how about auction 20-50 brains for ppl who are lost to the lo`
...love of gold...
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