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AuthorHunt Grows
My last hunt of behemots today was an assistance vs 160 behemots
10-03-10 08:46: KnightSlayer[13], _force_[13] vs Behemoths (160)

and now i have to kill 190 of them
how is that possible if theyr number must grow only by 10% witch means 16 behemots so 176 and not 190 ;(
It deepens on how many YOU did kill in your last hunt. I think if you would kill all the units and your hunt assist-partner none that the hunt would still grow 30%.
they growth by 18% ;(
i killed a bit more than my hunt partner
if i assist and i kill no troups in the next hunt they will grow by 0% ?!?! -.-'
they grow by 5% then
Grows numbers of neutral creatures on the map: N=n*1.69max(Y;0.1)
N - new creatures number,
n - old creature number (before win),
Y - skill points, that you give on battle with old creature number.

You got 0.33 fsp from your hunt. using above formula, after calculations it shows 190.24 which is rounded down to 190.

Formula taken from here http://eng.witchhammer.ru/viewpage.php?page_id=38
Edit- N=n*1.69^fsp

Also, if you assist someone in there hunt, it in no way affects your creature count..>.>
*their, blooper -_-
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