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Authorwho is me?
I`m dwarf xD
That is fairly interesting. How did you lose your faction?
Look at his character on .ru:


The first talent
First dwarf?! Yay!!
0-24-10 09:46: Faction changed: Knight to .

a invicible faction ! ! O_o
a special UCI :p
i have an idea...we will dual now...lets see what are all the units u have....r8 ?
if he can join a battle with 0 troops. wait... ambush him :)

BTW, would you like to share a inside picture of your castle, BAN? :p
I`m dwarf xD

i know dwarves means peaple who are short and small...

but these peaple are tooooooo small even cant see... ^_^
Topic moved from "General game forum" to "Off-game forum".
Can you recruit some troops?
I`m notadwarf
12-28-08 15:31: Registered. Faction: Elf.
10-26-10 13:29: Registered. Faction: Knight.

Double registration. Hmm... do you literally get 2 castles to use at the same time?
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